And if we have a massive solar injection that wipes out our satellites, power grids, etc., where are we? Civilization (and the younger generation especially) has become so dependent on computers, cell phones, and other modern technology, that it would cause all kinds of electronic and food delivery networks to be suspended for an unknown length of time. No nation on earth is really prepared for this. We had one in 1850 that would have done that today.


It's already happened. You can't buy a 32 oz biggie coke or whatever in NYC, per his majesty Mayor Bloomberg. Fingerprint scans are already used on the medication dispensers at work. Retinal scans are coming. You can already change the lighting, etc. in your house by computer from the moon if you want to. When was the last time you used cash to buy gasoline? We thought it was way out there 40 years ago, and now......I drove across half the US in '78 without a cell phone. All we had was a CB radio. When was the last time any of us even went out the door without the cell phone recently? The computer used to power the Gemini spacecraft was as powerful as the Mattel Speak and Spell. We essentially went to the moon on a slide rule. My neighbor just had surgery performed-by a robotic arm. The MD wasn't even in the room for part of it. A motorcycle had a carburetor, distributor and engine. Mine has fuel injection, variable electronic timing, and a really big ass computer to make it all work. As for fingerprinting,......a Vet just had a double arm transplant, with someone else's fingers and therefore fingerprints....Could make life very interesting. It seems to be a brave new world out there. With all this technology, you'd think we could solve WNS. (Couldn't resist the shot). We lose sight of just how fast things have changed. Some for the better, some just because. Funny how when you want your computer fixed, you ask your neighbor's kid for help. As we get older the past looks better and better in some ways. I'm opting more and more for the Inuit Village.....

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