I'll add it, Charles, and post it on CaveTex shortly.


Several of the "old fogies" have said that they would/could pay a lot
more for dues, if we keep mailing it.


I guess now they can put their money where their mouths are.











From: Charles Goldsmith [mailto:wo...@justfamily.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 12:39 PM
To: Alman, Mark @ IRP
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Please Update Your TSA Members Area Profile


Mark, you have great plans and attainable goals in all of this, as
always, you have my full support as TSA member.  My personal opinion, I
don't think you'll get over 50% of the paid members to go full
electronic, too many old fogies who insist on draining the TSA because
they want a paper copy and too lazy (and costly) to print it out when
its released.  That's why I'm suggesting a cost increase for the paper
copy and I would like you to put it on the agenda.  I'll talk about it
at the TSA and take the wrath (I'm good at that), I don't mind people
getting angry with me, they can get happy as easily as they got angry :)

It's good that you are looking for ways to reduce costs, but there
should be very little cost for printing, only those who don't have a
computer (and I'm sure that is a very small minority these days).

Thanks for everything you do Mark

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:45 AM, <mark.al...@l-3com.com> wrote:

Hey, Charles.



I think that the success of the Members Area and the response we have
had should help with getting the TSA back into the black.


Also, we are going to try another printer, 360 Digital Books, who the
AMCS uses and was recommended by Bill Mixon.



We'll have to see how they do, but, I think they'll be OK, everyone will
like their quality, and we'll get the per member price of the TC below
(much below) $5 per person, including postage.


I, too, would like to see everyone go digital, as that would make monies
available for a plethora of goals I have for the TSA.



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