It's very timely you mention this, David.
I volunteered to head up the Longhorn trips and we have encountered a problem.
We have the go ahead to do a thru trip at Longhorn from the Crownover entrance 
and coming out the normal tour entrance during ICS, but it seems the Crownover 
entrance has filled with silt and debris from flooding the last couple of years.
I have permission from the powers that be at Longhorn to schedule a work week 
end (or three) this fall to begin digging it out in preparation for ICS.
We also will be getting help from volunteers at Longhorn Caverns.
I was wondering how many here would be interested in helping out with this and 
getting a chance to visit a cave and more specifically, an area of the cave 
that is usually off limits and not utilized for the wild cave tours or the 
normal tours.
The work weekends (s) would be this fall and I would insure that we would not 
conflict with the CBSP weekends or TCR.
Please contact me offline if you're interested in this fun and close-to-Austin 
I will let George, Travis, and Joe Mitchell comment on the other caves you 
Mark Alman


From: David []
Sent: Mon 8/4/2008 2:01 PM
To: Cave Texas
Subject: [Texascavers] ICS and caves

I am curious if any of you have already decided
what caves you hope to visit "during the week" of ICS?
Is anyone planning an off-trail trip into Cascade Caverns,
NBC, or Longhorn Caverns?

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