George, I understand your point and as a newbie I, myself, was guilty of a 
certain amount of this (although I now try to respond directly rather than to 
the whole list most of the time). However, I would like to know what you 
consider cave related. I would think certain topics under global warming would 
be directly cave related; I asked about truck tents one time because I always 
camped when I went caving and wanted some information on best tents; I just 
responded to the posting on the Sonora pics because I thought I could offer 
some suggestions on how to make better prints (based on 20 years of desktop 
publishing). So could you please clarify for me what you do and don't consider 
cave related. These topics seem to run their courses over a short period of 
time, but I do think that some of them--especially the ones concerning religion 
and politics (guilty)--should be answered off list to the person directly. This 
last one on religion was started innocently enough by the mention of a journal 
article. I guess we need a little more direction on what is and what isn't 
Oh yes, and plastic bags, when they were new and cavers were still using 
carbide, we used them all the time to carry our spent carbide out of the cave 

From: gveni@warpdriveonline.comTo: texascavers@texascavers.comDate: Sun, 13 Jan 
2008 16:34:33 -0700Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Thoughts on OT postings

Possibly it was my message that made you feel “bullied.” That wasn’t my intent. 
My basic message was that the listserver has rules. If we subscribe, we have an 
obligation to follow them. To ignore them is disrespectful at best. Like you, I 
value socializing with cavers about non-caving issues. But that isn’t what was set up for. Yes, plastic bags, global warming, etc., do 
affect cavers and everyone else on the planet, but those topics are not about 
caving; they are not cave-related. Go to and you’ll see it 
asks that postings be cave-related. Several times over the years people have 
suggested that a listserver be set up for cavers who want to socialize on line 
about non-caving items. I think that is an excellent idea and encourage someone 
to do it. And people who want to socialize can then do so freely without 
spamming those signed up for cave-related discussions. 
-----Original Message-----From: Kara Savvas [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2008 2:57 PMTo: George NincehelserCc: 
texascavers@texascavers.comSubject: Re: [Texascavers] Thoughts on OT postings
I have to agree with Mr. Nincehelser. The discussions I enjoy the most in life, 
that are most likely to propel my interest in something worthwhile, do not 
cling to the Safe and the Known and the Agreed Upon. And they often include, in 
my own opinion,  lots of Annoying and Ridiculous and Controversy and even 
Tangents, most especially when they involve other cavers!! (Haven't you noticed 
that?) Thank goodness I can use my ability to excuse myself from a conversation 
when it takes an unproductive turn. Thank goodness life isn't moderated to the 
point of constant comfort and familiarity.Sometimes respectfulness is 
challenging. I'm glad I've had more than two chances to get it right. I'm not 
saying that's a blank check for disrespect, I'm just saying that being good at 
it is a learning process, and I trust that most of us are trying to get there. 
In the meantime, and this is also a challenge for even the best of us - try not 
to take stuff too personally, especially when it comes from a bunch of yahoos 
on the Internet. (that's a joke, folks. We're all yahoos, get it? Ha ha. Oh 
come on, If you can't laugh at yourself....)
Educational journals are made up of completely topic oriented, educational 
articles from experts and experienced members of the field. Communities are 
made up of humans - angry, helpful, unprofessional, experienced, opinionated, 
curious, learned, mistaken, giving, uninformed, kind, supportive, different, 
smart, annoying. I don't ever feel a bond to the educational  and caving 
journals I receive at home. They have never delivered soup to me when I was 
sick, or offered me comfort, or shared my joys in life, even if we don't 
regularly 'get along'.
And Frankly, evolution, plastic bags, and global warming are completely 
relevant in this forum, as they have an impact on us as cavers, scientists, on 
caves themselves, and as people who enjoy the natural world and want to know 
more about it, and want that kind of education available to future generations. 
I appreciate the people who don't shy away from talking about it. No one has a 
monopoly on knowing what's relevant and important, and no one should. 
Hopefully, the desire to strive for respectfulness is the only thing we should 
all agree on. 
I guess if this really is the end of OT (which, from the looks of the last 9 
out of 12 posts, thank goodness it isn't) it is time for someone like me to 
excersize that ability to walk away, and decide if it isn't time to take a 
break from it, and enjoy an unrestrained caving community exchange elsewhere, 
but I also didn't want to be bullied into feeling irelevant for enjoying the 
OT's. I considered shutting up, but that's not my way, so thanks for letting me 
have my say - I believe dissent is important. 

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