

This is to announce that we have a work and fun weekend scheduled for
the Deep and Punkin property this weekend.  It will start on Friday,
January 18 and will go through Monday, January 21 (MLK day).  If you are
interested, there will be a Carta Valley MLK Day parade which you may
either participate in or observe from the circular drive at the cabin.


We will be forming up and pouring some concrete for footers for the back
cabin porch (bring your hoe - yes, I meant hoe), denailing some boards
which we'll use at the property (denailing is excellent therapy so bring
a hammer and or crow bar).  We'll have trips into Deep and Punkin caves
and also a trip leader training event.  Saturday and Sunday nights will
be dedicated to general sloth and gluttony with conversations on
religion, evolution, the pending oil crisis, asteroid ELE's, hybrid
cars, and cattle futures in Carta Valley.  For this event, we're trying
to regulate buffoonery to day light hours only (got that Cradit).


Please note that the fourth gate on the road has been replaced with an
electronic swing gate with a combination pad.  If you want to go, you'll
need to know the combination.  This gate was installed compliments of
Jerry Atkinson (thank you Jerry).


All cavers and friends are welcome - experience or not.  Please RSVP
with me by Thursday for more details, directions, and gate combos.




Geary Schindel

210-326-1576 cell


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