I'll throw out my two cents on this, and by no means do I think its the only
way to do things, just my opinion as a list user :)

Re-read http://texascavers.com/about.html  I didn't come up with these, I
inherited them as list owner from Mr. Bentley, but they give suggestions.

Evolution talk in particular could be sideways skewed to include biology,
cave-biology and eco-biology, but that, in my opinion, is stretching things
a bit.  We, as adults, know that evolution is a touchy matter for many
people, particularly people that are religious.

Politics, religion and sex are three main topics that are best to be kept to
websites and listserves that are dedicated to them, again, in my opinion :)

Charles, just a plain ole subscriber and member

On 1/14/08, Louise Power <power_lou...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>  George, I understand your point and as a newbie I, myself, was guilty of
> a certain amount of this (although I now try to respond directly rather than
> to the whole list most of the time). However, I would like to know what you
> consider cave related. I would think certain topics under global warming
> would be directly cave related; I asked about truck tents one time because I
> always camped when I went caving and wanted some information on best tents;
> I just responded to the posting on the Sonora pics because I thought I could
> offer some suggestions on how to make better prints (based on 20 years of
> desktop publishing). So could you please clarify for me what you do and
> don't consider cave related. These topics seem to run their courses over a
> short period of time, but I do think that some of them--especially the ones
> concerning religion and politics (guilty)--should be answered off list to
> the person directly. This last one on religion was started innocently enough
> by the mention of a journal article. I guess we need a little more direction
> on what is and what isn't pertinent.
> Oh yes, and plastic bags, when they were new and cavers were still using
> carbide, we used them all the time to carry our spent carbide out of the
> cave environment.
> Louise

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