The subject of having an electronic version of the Texas Caver has been  
brought up several times over the last 6 years.  We even had a mailout  ballot 
the membership requesting their preference.  It came back about  50:50 at the 
time indicating that a hardcopy would still be needed to satisfy  much of the 
membership.  Also, libraries, of which we had about 4  subscriptions at the 
time, did not have the ability to receive and  archive digital versions of the 
TxCvr.  It certainly has not been a  decision that has been pushed through by a 
minority of officers and  delegates.
Times change and the membership will most likely prefer an electronic  
version eventually.  It's certainly a topic that needs to be brought up  again 
on a 
yearly basis.
In a message dated 1/16/2008 4:32:43 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

I know there  are just a handful of people that are making that
decsion, and another  handful that attend the meetings, most members
don't do they?

A  request from someone that can't attend meetings easily, can we get
some  type of vote from the entire membership on this?

Does the TSA support  this type of thing aside from the yearly elections?


On  1/16/08, Simon Newton <> wrote:
> So this topic  just went on topic - is there a protocol to handle this?   
> I think the idea was that a few of us would make some back  of the
> envelope calculations for a few different ideas and present it  back to
> the higher authorities.  I'm sure the ideas will be  posted here at
> some point.  I need to ping G-P and a few others  to get some
> background from the longtime members.  FWIW, I  believe more people
> opposed the idea than supported it at the TSA  meeting last Saturday.
> That is why we ended up with this committee to  look into the nitty
> gritty.  This is going to take some  time...
> Simon
> On 16 Jan 2008 22:01:16  -0000,  <> wrote:
> >  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: "Charles Goldsmith"  <>
> > To: ""  <>
> > Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 14:39:25  -0600
> > Subject: Re: [ot_caving] RE: TexasCaver
> > I know  this wouldn't go over, but I would think $25 a year for
> >  electronic and a bit more for a paper newsletter would be best.    This
> > would give the organization more money (dunno if they need  more) and
> > also help cover the rising costs of printing/mailing  the newsletter.

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