Yes, $1200 was approved for the Honeycreek Project and this will cover
all costs.

The work weekend for this is April 12th and they (Bill Steele and Kurt
Menking) could use everyone.

Bring loppers and saws, as well, as they'll be cutting cedar, too.

The CBSP meeting was indeed last weekend and we had an excellent

The TSA also made a sizeable donation towards the ICS 2009 fund and is
providing and lining up a lot of volunteers.

They (Travis Scott) especially needs trip leaders.

Be sure to put he word out to your Grotto members!

As you can seem the TSA has been very busy, supportive, and active and,
hopefully, once again matters!


(TC Editor, TSA Secretary/Cheerleader)

P.S. - We're working on the bulk mail thing. I'll post the meeting
minutes here and at the TSA website next week.

I/We would LOVE to have you back RD! You're a great caver, person,
volunteer, and you get things done! We need more like you in the TSA.

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Goldsmith [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 6:19 PM
To: RD Milhollin
Subject: Re: [ot_caving] RE: TexasCaver

The TSA does have funds for land/cave purchase, its invested currently.
I don't know if it was approved, but I do know a grant was put forth
towards the TSA for $1200 to help improve Honey Creek entrance.  The
next meeting for TSA will be at CBSP I think, that alone will support
that project, driving people there.

I'm not an active member of TSA, but I have been a member for a couple
of years and these are the types of things that I've seen happening and
it's why I'm a member.

To each his own.

On 1/16/08, RD Milhollin <> wrote:
> Each grotto has (or should have) a newsletter.
> The projects are the result of individual initiative and followup, and

> could be done without the help of any organization.
> I am not aware of the TSA purchasing land/caves. I know the TCMA and 
> TCC do, and I support both of those organizations.
> Honey Creek, CBSP: see projects above.
> TSS is a private corporation, as far as I know. Please correct me if I

> am mistaken.
> TCR is a stand-alone affair/organization/happening.
> The Spring Convention is a worthy endeavor, certainly worthy of 
> support, but not $20-30 per year from people who might not even be
able to make it there.
> I don't see that the TSA actually "does a lot". You haven't yet 
> convinced me.
> FWIW I am not a TSA member, I once was but chose not to renew several 
> years ago. I would consider rejoining and becoming involved if I could

> convince myself that it served a purpose not covered either by 
> individuals who choose to take on tasks for the loive of it, or by 
> other caving organizations; and if I could feel that the dues
justified the returns.
> It doesn't count but my vote would be to have an electronic newsletter

> available to those who don't want paper, and for a considerable break 
> in the dues, as was mentioned in a previous post.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charles Goldsmith []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 5:48 PM
> To: RD Milhollin
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [ot_caving] RE: TexasCaver
> I'll chime in here, as a TSA member and what I see coming out of this 
> organization.  Aside from the obvious, the newsletter, the TSA also 
> has several projects that are on-going.  Land purchase, helping with 
> Honey Creek, CBSP, TSS, TCR/Spring Convention and others.
> I'm sure that I didn't get nearly all of the things, but from what 
> I've seen, the TSA does a lot and could do more with extra funding, 
> saving cash on doing bulk mails.
> Charles

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