Thanks Wookie.
Can not believe paper is better, but then in the 6 months I've been learning
Therion, it has improved a lot...  Any more information or examples

At present it's only my thconfig files that I think are messy and confusing.
I'm working on making them very much more modular, a separate sub-thconfig
file for every task.  

A thought; being able to pass a variable between thconfig files or even from
.th files to thconfig files could make things easier by avoiding, for
example, changing the name of maps to match the cave name.  See the
following example

In thconfig file...
# selects all surveys/maps in 'sources' if not explicitly specified
# if is specified, prints 'title' in map legend 

select MiddleEarthPlanMap      # from
select MiddleEarthxElevMap     # from
select MiddleEarthElev290Map   # from
export map -projection plan \
  -layout ThisCaveMapLayout \
  -layout ThisMapPlanLayout \  
  -output ../Outputs/MiddleEarthPlan.pdf  

export map   -projection [elevation 290 deg]  \
  -layout ThisCaveMapLayout \
  -layout ThisMapElev290Layout \ 
  -output ../Outputs/MiddleEarthElev290.pdf 

export map   -projection extended  \
  -layout ThisCaveMapLayout \
  -layout ThisMapxElevLayout \   
  -output ../Outputs/MiddleEarthExtendedElev.pdf  

In the above, if the text "MiddleEarth" was replaced with a variable that
represented the cave name defined in the file, then that
would save quite a lot of fiddling about when dealing with multi-cave or
multi-part-of-cave datasets.


-----Original Message-----
From: therion-bounces at [] On Behalf
Of Wookey
Sent: Tuesday, 22 April 2008 10:53 p.m.
To: therion at
Subject: Re: [Therion] Hopefully a bunch of new users

On 2008-04-19 20:52 +1200, Bruce Mutton wrote:
> which brings me
> to the single biggest hurdle that continues to dog me with Therion - how
> arrange ones data?  I realise there's probably about 50 good ways to do
> this, depending on ones needs and expectations, and some are described
> vaguely in the documentation.  I think I'm heading towards a reasonable
> strategy that's scalable from single caves to 60km systems with numerous
> small surficial caves nearby.  When I've got the bugs ironed out I'll see
> I can get something into the Wiki.  Probably in the form of some actual
> data, suitably scrambled so that it does not reflect a real cave, and with
> commonly used statements pre-entered and commented and well documented.
> If anyone has already documented a Therion data management system I would
> most interested.  

The mulu project considered this at length a couple of years ago and
came up with a couple of approaches. These were confined by the fact
that the base centreline data was entered as Survex data, not as
therion data, and this makes things much more finiky. We did get it
all working eventually, but the people who ran the project eventually
decided they didn't like therion ('too complicated') and have gone
back to paper drawing (!), so my efforts on it kind of stopped.

I'm not sure if our final conclusions are properly documented anywhere
other than as our existing dataset, although you can probably infer
some of it from threads on this list. What there is may be the 'vague'
stuff on the wiki. 

The optimium method if exclusivley using Therion would be different
(and simpler). 

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