
Thanks for posting Jan Tulis map. It is one I would be proud to have

It looks like a lot of work for a very small section of cave, very detailed!
Something we New Zealanders have come to expect from European cavers.

I abandoned involvement in cave map production early 1990s when it became
obvious that centerline software and paper map development had outlived it's

In areas under active exploration we had multiple disconnected maps with
large gaps and lost data, and fulltime map re-drafters who spent their life
drawing and re-drawing cave maps as our knowledge of the caves grew.  These
people burned out, and after some years someone else might take over, but
with lots of data lost in the mean time.  Sound like the storey on the front
page of the Therion web site?

I tried to make AutoCAD do the job that Therion now does, but lacked time,
knowledge and skill.

Therion is my savior!  I've waited over 15 years for you.  My experience so
far? You're free, have a dedicated development team, can be easily used
collaboratively by a team of cave surveyors, and so long as documentation is
done along with the survey process (not waiting 12 years like we have)
should be no more difficult than doing it on paper.  And you can produce
many versions of a map with little more than the push of a button.  There
are a few minor shortcomings which have more than the appearance of being
considered and worked through.

The considerable effort I have put in to learning Therion so far is no more
than it would have taken to draw my current cave project on paper, and the
bonus is that it is unlikely to be wasted time, provided I save the install
file with the data :) 

I consider all of my time put into paper maps of cave systems (isolated
caves less than 1km excepted) has been completely wasted.  They are all
obsolete now, and some poor unfortunate may be foolish enough to try to
find, pull together, and publish it properly (electronically) one day.

Thanks Martin and Stacho, and every one else contributing to Therion.

PS; Jonathan, Marco, thanks for the descriptions of your data layout.  I'll
describe what I do when I get some more time.

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