
Stop seems like a keyword that probably evokes the right expectations from a 

Although, what are you thinking that a description of what it does would look 


extend stop 8 7


Maybe, “when extending along leg 8 7, stop at 7, backup and start extending at 
the next part of the centreline that needs to be extended”.

Or would it exactly mimic the extend ignore 8 7 extend ignore 7 8 behaviour 
shown in the log in my 8 July email, which stops generating at station 8, then 
backs up, and eventually assigns itself a second start station to patch up an 
orphaned leg?


What would be the expected behaviour of extend 8 7 if the centreline were to be 
extending from the right, starting at 11?


And as a general question…

Are extend statements processed in the sequence they are written, or are they 
all read by Therion before Therion chooses the best order to process them (as 
it does with survey data)?




From: Therion <> On Behalf Of Stacho Mudrak
Sent: Wednesday, 15 July 2020 17:43
To: List for Therion users <>
Subject: Re: [Therion] Revisiting Breaking extended elevations on specific 


Hi, after returning from the caving trip, I would like to finish this topic.


For me, adding another parameter to extend is a little bit problematic, I would 
prefer some new keyword.


What do you think about:


extend stop 8 7




On Wed, 8 Jul 2020 at 11:01, Tarquin Wilton-Jones via Therion 
< <> > wrote:

> How about...
> extend ignore 8 7 [ (from) | to ]
> ... since we already use the from and to keywords with respect to stations at 
> each end of a survey leg?

It's all good by me.

The only reason I didn't suggest that keyword is that Therion is
stepping through my loop backwards. So a user might assume that the "to"
station is the "to" station from their data, when actually it is the
"to" station from the "extend ignore" pair.

But as long as people think it is intuitive enough, carry on :)
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