I tried to compile the model of the Hirlatz cave with it and it looks good, from a big picture view.
The passages shifted sometimes slightly, as expected.

When trying to compile a specific plan map view PDF i get an error about UTF8. The compile runs fine with release-therion 5.5.1, however!
(i don't know if this is related)

therion 5.5.2+4683494 (2020-10-13)
cavern - Survex 1.2.42
initialization file: therion.ini
reading ... done
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.21 (TeX Live 2020/Debian) (preloaded format=pdftex)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
checking optional fonts csr10 csti10 csbx10 csss10 csssi10 ... NOT INSTALLED This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.21 (TeX Live 2020/Debian) (preloaded format=pdftex)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
checking optional fonts cmcyr10 cmcti10 cmcbx10 cmcss10 cmcssi10 ... NOT INSTALLED configuration file: ../../Dokumente/cave/HVHO/svn/Hirlatzhoehle/therion/plan.DOP.map.thconfig
reading ... done
reading source files ... done
preprocessing database ... done
./therion: warning -- year 1951 magnetic declination used for undated surveys
undated surveys:
scanning centreline tree ... done
searching for centerline loops ... done
calculating station coordinates ... done
average loop error: 1.98%
processing survey data ... done
calculating basic statistics ... done
processing extended elevation ... done
processing references ... done
selecting export objects ... done
processing projection plan ... done
average distortion: 3.21%
writing ../../Dokumente/cave/HVHO/svn/Hirlatzhoehle/therion/../Hirlatz.plan.DOP.map.pdf ...
./therion: error -- Invalid utf-8 string!

Am 2020-10-14 10:02, schrieb Tarquin Wilton-Jones via Therion:
Hi folks,

Stacho fixed these "when using Survex loop closure" bugs in yesterday's
development release:

https://github.com/therion/therion/issues/269 Therion miscalculates
fixes in multiple centreline blocks when using Survex loop closure

https://github.com/therion/therion/issues/270 Therion cannot have
exactly 2 fixes for a station when using Survex loop closure

And this Survex compatibility bug:

https://github.com/therion/therion/issues/263 Scale value should default
to 1 when omitted from "calibrate" commands

I have checked and verified the fixes, and my surveys still look right.
But could someone with a bigger dataset check that it didn't break
anything else when using Survex loop closures. That particular fix looks like the kind that could create regressions. It only improved things for
me though :)

Yes, your cave entrance locations will change if you ever ran into #269
without realising - they are supposed to. And yes, you might find some
parts of the cave change size if you ever hit the calibrate statement bug.


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