I sent Martin a dataset to investigate.
Hopefully he can spot something...

Am 2020-10-14 21:40, schrieb Benedikt Hallinger:
Hello all, thanks for all the hints.

What about multifile search for”P]” in text files? It is quite strange combination of characters and they are part of ASCII set.
I had that in mind, but i don't think its the problem here. If it
would, 5.5.1 should fail too...

What about multifile search for”P]”
With every run the string changes. I have seen that before with C++
code, that was when i tried to put out a memory adress instead of the
actual string. Maybe the passed string is already memory garbage at
this point?

QA folks start grinning. Generic instructions below:
Uh, then i will have a grey beard finishing this. We talk about 130km
of cave in way over 600 files here.

I also commented the the error line in the source code that bails out
here, and everything (therion, but also the map) compiles just fine as
it should. Also the cartographers names print nicely.

Nonewithstanding i had a idea i went trough. A part of the cave is
done using an inkscape plugin, which converts the svg data into th2
files. That usually goes good, and did to therion 5.5.1.

I also was able to isolate a scrap line causing the problem (excerpt attached).
However, if i craft a very simple thconfig, it compiles fine; and the
isolated line looks not suspicious at all for me!

The problem occurs only if i try to render the whole cave (in a very
big scale 1:5000); if i craft a very simple thconfig and source only
the passage th file, it goes OK.
Could it be that somewhere some string buffer runs over when gathering
all the cartographers?
or that something else messes stuff up memory-wise, because the
dataset is so big already?

I'm out of ideas.

Am 2020-10-14 20:34, schrieb Benedikt Hallinger:
Hey Martin,
thanks for responding.
The exact same dataset compiles well with 5.5.1.
As far as i know, no special characters are used here.

As its rather huge, and i have no idea how to reduce the problem. It
surely must be somewhere in the .th2 files "author", since that is
probably the only place where this gets gathered from, isn't it?

I enhanced the thtexfonts.cxx on line 247 to print out the offending
string (if you want i make a PR for that) that now shows something
looking like garbage:
./therion: error -- Invalid utf-8 string! (offending string: 'P]���U')

I probably need to wade trough the data manually.

Am 2020-10-14 20:04, schrieb Martin Budaj:
On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 10:38 AM Benedikt Hallinger
<b...@hallinger.org> wrote:

When trying to compile a specific plan map view PDF i get an error
UTF8. The compile runs fine with release-therion 5.5.1, however!
(i don't know if this is related)

Hi, there was no change in the processing of utf-8 strings between
5.5.1 and 5.5.2. Could you check the same data set is used by those

You should get this error if you use a unicode character outside of
the BMP (see
Do you such exotic characters?

Sending a minimal data sample would be helpful.

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