Ah! Thank you, I thought it was more complex than it was. How elegant.

However, the type of tag a tiddler is supposed to get depends on *two*
tags - i.e tiddlers that are tagged both with 'Private' and either of
MyStuff, HerStuff or OurStuff. Renaming it one at a time would not
work as.

In a way it seems I need your plugin backwards ;-)

...or some kind of gradual filtering - first filtering everything with
one tag as criteria, and storing these, and then filtering the result
with the rest...

I tried to cheat it by pretending two tags were actually one, but
without success.

I'll put on the thinking cap again.

My sincere thanks for helping me though, Mr.Shulman.

(Ref. back to the beginning of the thread; turning a checkbox (via
CheckboxPlugin) into kind of a catalyst to switch other tags would be
cool. I'm getting ideas (albeit vague) of using it as a flip switch to
activate a set of tiddlers, perhaps enabling apparently two TWs in one
TW document. Or a little trigger checkbox switches tags that in turn
switch tags that in turn... mushroom cloud! ...yes, it's getting late
here and HerStuff is away tonight... Seriously though, a checkbox
would offer functionality beyond having to edit/close a tiddler,
particularly as CheckboxPlugin allows remote checkbox setting.)


On Jan 17, 8:49 pm, Eric Shulman <elsdes...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I downloaded ATP, checked the autoaliases configuration box and filled
> > in the name AutoTaggerAliases, which I then created as a tiddler
> > wherein I put the code you suggested... but nothing happens, also not
> > after save+reload.
> > Or maybe I don't quite understand the syntax you suggest;
> > >MyStuff(private)=MyStuff Private Encrypt(foo)
> > - what is "MyStuff(private)" actually? Why do you write 'private' and
> > not 'Private'?
> The above syntax means that, if you enter "MyStuff(private)" as a
> single tag, it will be converted into three tags, "MyStuff",
> "Private", and "Encrypt(foo)".  The different capitalization of
> "private" vs. "Private" was unintentional: you can use any
> capitalization you want... if your input *exactly* matches the tag
> alias, the substitutions will be applied.
> > Does it mean all existing tiddlers tagged 'MyStuff' that get a new tag 
> > 'private'?
> Existing tiddlers are not altered automatically until you press 'done'
> after editing them.
> > >Note: AutoTagger is only invoked when using the tiddler editor..
> > This means the editor where the MyStuff (HerStuff, OurStuff) is,
> > right?
> Right.  You edit a tiddler, enter tags and press 'done'.  This invokes
> AutoTagger, which processes the tags you just entered, finds any
> matches in the AutoTaggerAliases list and does the replacement.  Then
> the tiddler saved into the internal 'tiddler store' as usual.
> Thus, if I enter
>    A B C
> as tags on tiddler [[FooBar]], and AutoTaggerAliases says:
>    A=Yabba Dabba
>    C=C Doo
> then the resulting tags on [[Foobar]] will be:
>    Yabba Dabba B C Doo
> enjoy,
> -e
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