Hi Saq

I will not use Your kind offer - this time - I think... - so do not do
anything for my sake...
Tomorrow I will attend a meeting at my school to hear what plans we
have concerning Moodle and setting up/buying a new server and expand
our wireless network...
Untill we have reached some kind of consensus - there is no reason why
we should bother to use many hours on making a professional solution.

Untill then I will just try to explore the possibilities on my own
level - beeing an amateur isn't too bad - there are so many things yet
to discover - and noone can blame you for not beeing "polished" - when
they don't have to pay you hourly ;-)

That said - I don't think for one moment that You cannot deliver a
professional solution - We are just not ready for that yet. (My
company I mean..)

A "little" description of my background for using open source and
TiddlyWiki ...

The fact is that my employers don't know much about technologies - and
untill recently - they could ignore any attempt to make some changes
to the infrastructure.
I am trying to convince my collegues and my bosses - to start using
Moodle as a LMS and as intranet. I've been testing Claroline with my
own students since august - 08, and I'm convinced that we have to
change everything concerning communication in our school -
Teachers, parents and pupils alike - want to have internet access from
everywhere on the school. It's a boardingschool with less than 200
students - age 14 - 18 years old.

I've struggled with disbeliefs from my leaders, having to stop my
project with Claroline (because of 1 parent + child complaining -
because they thought that I earned some kind of money on the side
(being a pioneer isn't always rewarding... - as I think you must
know )  - and some anonymous collegues questioning my reasons for
doing it - not believing that I taught the kids "by the book")... But
I haven't given up yet - and the fact that I use TiddlyWiki as a
presentation tool in my classes on a daily basis - and refer to the
ones that I put online - isn't as challenging for them as my attempts
with Claroline... (Which is a VERY good system - just not looking as
sleek/modern as Moodle)

Fortunately I had a new (experinced) collegue in jan - 09, who comes
from Island (I live in Denmark) and he is well informed about what
goes on in the educational fields other places in the world. He has to
do an academic project concerning the use of Moodle in education for a
University in Island, while he is working here - and he insists on
having the nessesary tools and oppertunities available for the
project... - so I hope it will help.

I will contact You in case of my company asking for a proffesional
solution regarding digital forms.
Untill then I will use my form to "show off" - and tell everyone that
it is an UnaMesa plagiarism - and that it doesn't work for real -
unless they get it from you!!

Is that ok with you?

How ever I still can't open/reach the peermore forms or the
Could you move them to another location - temporarily - without too
much hassle?
I really would like to see what it is.

Sorry about the lenght of this post - but my english isn't so good
that I am able to say things as straightforward - as I would like....

YS Måns Mårtensson

On 4 Mar., 13:31, Saq Imtiaz <lew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Måns,
> On Mar 3, 6:41 pm, Måns <humam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Saq
> > I cannot open the peermore forms or the tiddlers.wiki - are they
> > currently unavailable - or is my coonection to slow?? - It gets timed
> > out for both adresses..
> It seems to be working for me right now... could you please check
> again?
> > My intentention was that my collegues should be able to choose to fill
> > out the form online - or download it for later review - or personal
> > backup - themselves.
> > It would be fine if the tiddlywiki -then could be attached to a an
> > email - prefilled with the address - specified in SomeName(UmaMesa)
> > FormEmailURL-tiddler or from the contactform sending it to serveral
> > recipients.
> > if the mailto: parameter was able to provide these extra features
> > including the attach function - That would be truely great!! - It
> > doesn't matter that it has to use the users own email-application in
> > the process - for my purposes.
> I'm afraid that the mailto: parameter cannot reliably mass large
> amounts of data and that therefore this is not a viable option. If you
> do go down the email route a serverside script will be needed.
> Hopefully Eric can help you with that portion if needed.
> > When I recieve the tws with users forms - then I would try to set up a
> > "mastertw" - which should import and hold all recieved forms - and
> > fetch the data from the forms into sortable tables - via fET.. - I
> > have been using some "tagglytaggingtweakingfeature" - don't remember
> > its' name - in other TWs which enables some statistics concerning the
> > tags - and it would be nice to be able to render some kind of
> > procentual status - based on the amount of sepcific data compared to
> > the number of tiddlers (renamed after the dispatchers/or anonymous).
> What is your timeline? When do you need these forms? Depending on the
> answer we might be able to set up a solution for you using the
> TiddlyWeb based forms aggregation solution I mentioned earlier. You
> would still be able to email the TiddlyWiki with the forms or just
> send your colleagues a link. When they filled it out the data would be
> sent to the server. (They could still keep a backup for themselves).
> Once all the users had filled in their data you would be able to see
> all the filled out forms in your "master" TiddlyWiki.... Of course all
> of this is still very raw and in development and not yet a polished
> solution. I'd need to check with Chris as to whether we can get it
> together in time once I know what your timeline is like.
> Cheers,
> Saq
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