Has any decent/practical solution come up for collaborating with
multiple TWs?

I'd guess a generally desired setup would be;
- one "central and general TW", possibly local, connected to;
- multiple specialized TWs perhaps online (e.g on tiddlyspot) to
invite other topic-interested users.

Clearly it'd be desirable to be able to both read and write on those
remote TWs **via the central one** - and so without storing copies of
individual tiddlers in the central one (other than perhaps
temporarily) and also without having to pre-specify which individual
tiddlers that are to be edited.

Has any best practice evolved for this?

After some digging I have identified the following tools touching
parts of the issue, but it seems none quite does it - or do I
misunderstand something?

>From TiddyTools;
ImportTiddlersPlugin - copies new/updated tiddlers from an external TW
ExternalTiddlersPlugin - (similar to previous but also importing non-
TW files into tiddlers)
LoadTiddlersPlugin - (very similar to previous? No snappy description
in documentation.)
...but using LTP together with TemporaryTiddlersPlugin lets you "each
time you open your document, [...] automatically retrieve an up-to-
date set of common tiddlers that are stored in another document
(either local or via remote URL), without those tiddlers being
retained when you save your document."
- As I understand this, it means I cannot meaningfully edit the source
tiddlers though.

...and the latter also sounds like;
AbegoExtensions IncludePlugin - i.e where you also "can only edit
included tiddlers in their "original" TiddlyWiki. Hence included
Tiddlers are readonly in a "main" TiddlyWiki."

An idea is to import a copy via the above into the central TW, and
then to **force-push** that into the source TW;

More from TiddlyTools:
ExportTiddlersPlugin - lets you push individual tiddlers to a file,
but as far as I can tell not as tiddlers into an existing TW.
UploadPlugin - lets you push a full TW but not individual tiddlers.

...there's also the Imtiaz/Alm;
TiddlySnip Firefox extension - this *does* let you push pieces of any
text - but not quite tiddlers - into a new tiddler in a TW.
Unfortunately not maintained anymore.

An workable option would be an iframe, i.e loading a whole external TW
into a tiddler on the central TW. Workable but not very elegant. Maybe
it is possible to make the external TW show up in singlepagemode and
without mainmenu etc? Anyone done this?

Does anyone have a practical setup for a central TW that can edit
external TWs?

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