> could you please enlighten me on the game changer feature or concept of 
> Dynalist??

For me, the basic advantage of an outliner program (Dynalist, Workflowy, 
Roam) is the writing experience. Everything is in bullet points. Hit enter 
to start a new line, hit tab to indent, and when you hit enter for a new 
line, your next line is also indented to that level, etc. And by dragging 
the bullets you can rearrange the order and indenting of any line. So it is 
a really great way to write, and to order and reorganize one's thoughts on 
a topic. Very freeing compared to writing in TiddlyWiki: if you use the 
unordered list, you need to do shift+8 to add * or ** or *** every new 
line, or write loosely, use a toolbar button to add one * for every line, 
and manually add the extra levels of * for the lines that need it. If you 
don't use bulleted lists, new paragraphs require two newlines, not one, and 
indenting requires other actions that take one away from typing (wrapping 
in a span class, or using : , which only affects the first line, etc). And 
these delays really add up.

Another advantage of these is that if you have a pro account you can drag 
images right into it, and copy the link to insert them wherever you want. 
Another is that you can add tags to each line and do searches for tags 
across multiple outliner documents. 

There was a way, probably still exists, to replicate the 'ordered list / 
enter for new line / tab for indent' experience in TiddlyWiki, but the cost 
was too high for me - it meant losing access to the editortoolbar. I think 
it also required a different tiddler type, and if I remember, there were 
other drawbacks as well associated with that aspect. If there were a way to 
do enter-and-tab without such a huge cost, I would use TiddlyWiki for 
almost everything, and would not feel much pressure to switch between 
Tiddlywiki and outliners. Although Roam....very enticing once they get 
their defects weeded out.

I hope that answers your question about the game changer features.

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