Love this new plugin, great job Saq!

Few suggestions/questions:

1. Would it be possible to hit the Escape key to cancel the focus of stream 
item?  You said earlier that you couldn't make it where you could click 
away to remove the focus, maybe hitting the Escape key would be alternate 

2. Is it possible to hide the stream items from searches?  In your example 
site, if I search for "Roadmap", I will see lots of search results.  I'm 
not sure if this is possible since they are separate tiddlers?  You could 
prefix them with $:/ to hide them, but I'm not sure how you would search 
the content of each stream item?

3. Maybe you could create a new hierarchical tiddler button similar to how 
the Markdown plugin does?  Some people may only want to use the Streams 
feature on certain types of tiddlers like a "Streams" tiddler or 
"Hierarchical tiddler?"

[image: new-button.jpg]

A small icon like this may work:

[image: hierarchy icon at DuckDuckGo 2020-06-16 12-03-46.jpg]


[image: fontawesome.jpg]

Could you make the bullet hit target bigger when you hover over a bullet?  
Similar to  When you hover a bullet, it shows a larger 
circle around the bullet making it easier to click.

[image: workflowy.jpg]
Kind regards,

On Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 10:20:44 AM UTC-5, Raghu Veer S wrote:
> Hi Saq, 
> Thanks for the response. No worries, I understand the difficulties 
> involved.  :)
> As for the usecase, I just thought that easy indentation would be crucial 
> to a hierarchical outlining plugin like this, at least that is something 
> that I have been finding useful with Roam and Dynalist as I used to use 
> them extensively for research purposes along with other operations like the 
> ones you have mentioned. I was looking for a more local first OSS tool, 
> which is where I thought TiddlyWiki with the plugin ecosystem shined with 
> plugins like yours. Anyway, these were more like a feature request than a 
> feedback, so don't be bothered with it. I am still enjoying the tool. :)
> On Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 6:52:37 PM UTC+5:30, Saq Imtiaz wrote:
>> Replies to some of the feedback below:
>> *Single-click to edit:* will not be offered as an option unless we can 
>> find a reliable way of doing so while still allowing users to click on 
>> external links, and copy text as a selection, without inadvertently 
>> triggering editing.
>> *Modal approach to editing:* I have no idea what this means. Modals have 
>> a very specific meaning in TW. As explained earlier, this is not an attempt 
>> at at WYSIWYG editor. As is the norm in TW, there is a separation between 
>> viewing content and editing it. If someone implements a WYSIWYG editor for 
>> wikitext, you could easily use that within Streams. Implementing one within 
>> Streams is far outside the scope of this plugin. Having to specifically 
>> decide to edit a different tiddler is not only necessary, but intentional 
>> from a design point of view. 
>> *Backspace, arrow up/down behavior:* with the default widgets we have 
>> available in TW, complex and conditional handling of keys is simply not 
>> possible. For instance, enabling backspace at the beginning of some text to 
>> combine that node with the previous one, would disable the backspace key 
>> for all other usage in the editor. The keystroke is trapped by the widget, 
>> there is no means to conditionally pass it through for the default 
>> behavior. 
>> So implementing this kind of behavior would require a custom JavaScript 
>> plugin, and even then the behavior wont be quite as requested as once 
>> again, this isn't WYSIWYG. While I could write such a plugin, I am 
>> realistic that I would not have the time to support and maintain it. 
>> Therefore my focus is on using core widgets and community plugins, and only 
>> writing JavaScript when absolutely essential or trivial. If someone wants 
>> to take a crack at a more elaborate plugin for handling key bindings, I 
>> will be happy to provide input and guidance, and make use of it in Streams.
>> *Performance: *I am probably not the best placed to comment on 
>> performance. I have a wiki with 6000 tiddlers that runs fine, but I use 
>> very little in terms of complex list filters and backlinks, tags etc. 
>> Others may be better placed to advise on this.
>> *Personally I see three kinds of situations in which I would use this as 
>> is today:*
>> - for longer text that benefits from structure, order and hierarchy. 
>> Writing an essay, or project documentation. In this case each tiddler would 
>> be a paragraph or longer. So you would not end up with more tiddlers than 
>> you normally would, you just get a more convenient workflow for the writing 
>> process and dividing your writing into tiddlers as you go.
>> - for short pieces of text that are somewhat transient in nature, e.g 
>> task lists. You delete or archive them as they are completed. The Roadmap 
>> tiddler in the demo is a good example of this.
>> - to compose text that will require significant re-ordering etc while 
>> writing, and then export it to a static/regular tiddler
>> If you primarily using this to be able to easily indent/unindent text, 
>> then you're using it for a purpose other than what it is designed for and 
>> arguably would be better served by other tools.
>> Cheers,
>> Saq

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