It works OK for me on FF 79 on Linux. 

By "downloader", which extension do you mean?

It's possible an extension is having an effect even if you disabled, if you 
didn't restart FF. 

On Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at 6:36:03 AM UTC-7, NU wrote:
> I have the exact same issue with Firefox 79, even occurring with an empty 
> file downloaded from the main site. It only occurs in Firefox, Chrome still 
> works okay.
> Using Firefox 79 64 bit on both Windows and Linux. Occurs with downloader 
> addon both enabled and disabled.
> Go to, scroll to the GettingStarted tiddler, click the big 
> blue "Download empty" button, open the empty.html file in Firefox 79, click 
> the edit button on the GettingStarted tiddler or make a new tiddler. 
> Behaviour doesn't change if it's being saved to the Download directory or a 
> subdirectory.
> However, I can create and edit tiddlers on If I 
> subsequently download (using the tiddlywiki save changes button) and open 
> the local copy of the site, the issue reappears.
> I am using Chrome as a workaround for now but this is not ideal as it 
> lacks key functionality that Firefox offers.
> [image: tiddlywikiissue.png]
> On Monday, August 17, 2020 at 4:14:18 PM UTC-4 Mat wrote:
>> Not hitting any wrong key combos, all mouse clicks during troubleshooting 
>>> so unless I have a stuck key, keystrokes shouldn't be an issue.
>> It is also *possible *to mouse click to save the page, at least in 
>> chrome. But I'd agree with Mark - it seems like one of those inexplicable 
>> behaviours and in the past these have often (at least that's my impression) 
>> been because people have used the browser to save. 
>> ...but you do say it happens also for new empty wikis. Maybe you should 
>> describe every step you do to replicate the problem, starting with going to 
>> and explain how you proceed from there?
>> <:-)

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