Hi Tones

See my responses below

On Monday, October 5, 2020 at 12:01:17 AM UTC-5 TW Tones wrote:

> David,
> I think I understand what you are suggesting and think what ever can help 
> to capture and re-envision the content is an ideal place for tiddlywiki to 
> operate it. I have read it multiple times.
> For clarification, in my words.
>    - is a key part of this idea that new tiddlers can be created from the 
>    intersection of two or more "attributes of a tiddler", in this case one or 
>    more tags/tags fields and or object-type in this case a definition? 
>    - Then in the new tiddler you can view information as it relates to 
>    this intersection?
> *Yes.*

> If I am correct here, may I suggest;
>    - It may not be necessary to create said tiddler, more just a view 
>    that looks like a separate tiddler, until such time as you wish to store 
>    something unique for that "intersection" or relationship.
*I was thinking more along the lines of a printable report generated by a 
control panel, like this:*

*A control panel with 3 sections:*
1. Choose topic (from a dropdown similar to the tag dropdown?), click 
2. Choose format, click button.
3. Choose both a topic and a format. click button.

*Option 1: a new tiddler is created.*
Title: [Topic], organized by [format]
Text: List of tiddlers tagged with [Topic], sort [Format] display [Format] 
as heading, list or transclude tiddlers with [Topic] and [that format] 
under heading, display next [Format] as heading, list or transclude 
tiddlers tagged with [Topic] and [Second format] under heading, etc

*Option 2: *same as 1, but with topic and format inverted

*Option 3: *
Title: [Topic], [Format] (or something like this)
simple list of tiddlers tagged with that topic and that format.

*Two examples of report for option 1:*

Title: Birds, organized by formats
<transclude text of tiddler 1> = Link to National Audubon Society
<transclude text of tiddler 2> = Link to eBird.org
!!! Reflection questions
<transclude text of tiddler 3> = Why are birds so weird?
<transclude text of tiddler 4> = How can we monetize birds?

Title: Breakfast recipes, organized by main ingredient
* [[Ham and cheese omelette]]
* [[Eggs sunny side up]]
*[[Huarache de nopal]]

a) you can just dump an idea in a tiddler and tag with both kinds of tags. 
No organizing.
b) Later, you can automatically see your information, sorted.
c) Bonus points if the user can create their own [1] and [2] filters 
(instead of [Topic] and [Format], could be [Book topic] and [Book format], 
[Century] and [Location] (to orgz historical people and events), photos 
sorted by [Year] and [Location], etc. 
d) Bonus points if th user can grow a list of choices for those filters 
(rather than have to add them at the beginning once, and then is locked in 
and can't add "Tamales" later)
e) Seems like all this is doable in TiddlyWiki. I know that tiddlers can be 
sorted in this way in a list filter, complicated though it may be, so there 
must be a way to filter/input by one or two criteria (tagged x and tagged 
y) and press a button to generate a pdf-able list for, example, sharing.


> I tend to be a little more abstract in my thinking and try to design for 
> maximum flexibility, so I am inspired by your idea but have not quite 
> digested the full picture yet. Once I do I may be able to make a 
> mechanism or set of mechanism's that let you achieve what you want, but the 
> will offer a broader set of possibilities.
> In many ways what you are asking seems to be a way of viewing the results 
> of organising tiddlers with two or more attributes?
> Regards
> Tones
> On Monday, 5 October 2020 07:22:47 UTC+11, David Gifford wrote:
>> Hi positiv... no worries, if you don't have internal motivation by 
>> reading the steps I already put, maybe someone else will. I think my 
>> description was clear enough. But here is a second try.
>> 1. Content creators
>> a. Create tiddler
>> b. tag with topic "Botany" and with format "Definitions" (and perhaps 
>> there are two tag fields in edit mode, one for topics, one for formats. I 
>> mentioned that Gen tags already does this.
>> c. Add text "Botany is the science of bots - robots, nanobots, etc" and 
>> save tiddler.
>> d. And so the content creators can 'dump' individual notes quickly that 
>> show up automatically in any revelant topics AND any relevant formats.
>> 2. End user (I will upload file to Internet for users to consult)
>> a. Filters and chooses a topic from a dropdown list, similar to the 
>> List-search macro. A tiddler is created with the entries tagged with that 
>> topic, with entries grouped under headers, the headers being the various 
>> formats. Title, Botany, organized by format. The tiddler mentioned in (1) 
>> shows up, under the "Definitions" header
>> b. Similar process for choosing a format from a dropdown, and getting a 
>> tiddler "Definitions (organized by topic)" with topical headers, and 
>> tiddlers appear grouped under them as either links or transclusions. The 
>> tiddler above appears under the heading "Botany".
>> c. User also has the option to choose both topic AND format, to produce a 
>> tiddler "Botany - Definitions."
>> d. And so the user can read export or print notes, either filtered by two 
>> criteria, or filtered by one and organized by the other.
>> I think this could be valuable. I can foresee many usecases besides those 
>> I personally am interested in. I am not actually asking anyone to do it. 
>> But if someone here agrees it is valuable and has the knowhow to do it, 
>> great. If not, no worries. Just sharing an idea to see if there is 
>> interest. Blessings.
>> On Sunday, October 4, 2020 at 1:12:00 PM UTC-5 positiv...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> Everything bad is good for someone else. The problem with creating 
>>> something from someone else's idea is that there isn't any internal 
>>> motivation. Collaboration is much more likely to produce results.
>>> You should publish a wiki with some "user stories" describing the steps 
>>> a user would go through to accomplish something meaningful in their life. 
>>> Then I could flesh out the programmatic steps it would take to get those 
>>> user steps to work within the reality of a web browser running Javascript 
>>> stored in an HTML file, and you can update the wiki with more ideas from 
>>> there. This way you can iteratively see the project coming to life, and 
>>> gradually learn what trade-offs are needed between theory and reality.
>>> On Sunday, October 4, 2020 at 6:23:25 AM UTC-7 David Gifford wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Why am I cursed with so many ideas, but so little time and knowhow to 
>>>> implement them? I am just going to throw this out there. If anyone thinks 
>>>> it is worthwhile to create this, go for it. Not for me, just if you think 
>>>> it is genuinely helpful.
>>>> Part 1: a content creator adds tiddlers, and tags them by topic, and 
>>>> tags them by format (advice, reflection questions, links, definitions, 
>>>> etc). The Gen Tags plugin (
>>>> https://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/GenericTagFields/) might be a 
>>>> good tool for helping the content creator distinguish types of tags. Or 
>>>> maybe there is a better tool for that.
>>>> Part 2: The end user has a control panel to filter by topic, by format, 
>>>> or both: 
>>>> a) filtering by both and clicking a button produces a tiddler, e.g. 
>>>> "Reflection questions on botany" and the text field shows the text fields 
>>>> of all tiddlers tagged by the tag "Reflection questions" and the tag 
>>>> "Botany".
>>>> b) Filtering only by topic produces a tiddler that lists the text field 
>>>> of all the tiddlers tagged by that topic, but grouped by format. ("Entries 
>>>> on Botany, organized by format") Filtering only by format does the 
>>>> opposite, all the tiddlers with that format, grouped by topic ("Reflection 
>>>> questions, organized by topic") 
>>>> There are, obviously, more uses for this than just "topic and format". 
>>>> "Topic and source (book)" comes to mind, "Recipes by main ingredient and 
>>>> meal type", "Restaurants by location and category", now I am hungry, Songs 
>>>> by artist and some other criteria, etc.
>>>> There is a tool called Xlists, which crosses categories, and hints at 
>>>> what I am getting at, but I am thinking of something that makes it easier 
>>>> for both creators and users to quickly view results from combining two 
>>>> types of tags. 
>>>> Anyway, that is my idea for the morning. I think it would be a very 
>>>> valuable addition to the TiddlyWiki repertoire. If you do too, and know 
>>>> how 
>>>> to create it, please consider it.
>>>> Blessings.

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