
For older dates I have being setting them to 12pm "Noon" eg YYYMMDD1200... 
such that even if UTC is or is not applied the ±12 hours does not change 
the date according to the time of day. (There may be a daylight savings 
time ±13 occur)

   - So in many cases I have a date field independent of date\time that I 
   just never display with a timezone.

This seemed an acceptable and logical work around to me, picking the time 
in the middle of a date if I do not care about time of day.

Hidden in a serial number date if it has say seconds and milliseconds all 
zero's, I take this to mean a set date/time, rather than an "organically" 
captured date. One could test for this and not apply a time offset to such 


On Wednesday, 21 October 2020 04:56:13 UTC+11, Eric Shulman wrote:
> On Tuesday, October 20, 2020 at 9:45:41 AM UTC-7, Anthony wrote:
>> Ah, I see what's going on there... great, thank you.
>> Sorry... there's more... I've been playing with dates and noticed that if 
>> a date prior to 2 December 1847 is entered in a field (say birth-date) then 
>> it's displayed as the previous day... so 18471202 is fine but 18471201 
>> shows as 30th November 1847 (using <Sview with appropriate formatting). Is 
>> there something in the TW handles dates?
> This is a TWCore issue.  It's mostly (but not entirely) a timezone thing 
> related to the difference between "localtime" and "UTC" (Universal Time 
> Coordinated)
> Try entering this at
> <$text text={{!!birth-date}}/><br>
> <$view field="birth-date" format="date" template="MMM DDth YYYY 
> 0hh:0mm:0ss" /><br>
> UTC:
> <$view field="birth-date" format="date" template="[UTC]MMM DDth YYYY 
> 0hh:0mm:0ss" />
> where the "birth-date" field contains "20201020".
> For example, I am in California, which is currently timezone UTC-7 (i.e., 
> 7 hours behind UTC).
> The LOCAL TIME result will be: "October 19th 2020 17:00:00"
> but the UTC result will be: "October 20th 2020 00:00:00"
> HOWEVER, there *is* something odd going on for any date earlier than 
> 18831119...
> Set birth-date to "18831119"...
> The LOCAL TIME result will be "November 18th 1883 16:00:00"
> but the UTC result will be "November 19th 1883 00:00:00"
> Still correct.  BUT.. 
> Set birth-date to "18831118"...
> The LOCAL TIME result will  "November 17th 1883 16:07:02"
> but the UTC result will be "November 17th 1883 23:59:02"
> There's some kind of weirdness happening with the time portion of the 
> formatting!
> Note that this is happening on, so it is a TWCore 
> issue unrelated to any TiddlyTools/Time code.
> I think we need to get Jeremy involved to figure this out.
> -e

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