I don't (yet) understand enough about the tech to know which of your two 
possible approaches to upgrade would work better, Soren, but it looks to me 
like the central challenge is how to distinguish between two different 
sources of content -i.e. Author and User- correct? If so, this puts me to 
wonder if maybe that "Username for signing edits" parameter that sits right 
under Title & Subtitle params in the ControlPanel might be a key to solving 
the problem. 

This leads straight into your Q: "Would takeaways, snippets, and notes on 
completed exercises cover it for you, or were you hoping to be able to add 
other tiddlers of your own?" Again: it is still early in the game for me to 
answer this with confidence, but i feel at this point like i need to be 
adding some tiddlers -"intertwingled" with Author's content, naturally- for 
reasons i hope you can understand. To explain about this, two cases i'm 
presently dealing come to mind: 

1. There is the issue of "Naming Conventions" : an essential feature of the 
problem-space that is wiki, which you treat very well in the so-named 
tiddler. I moreover appreciated the link provided to your Zettelkasten 
<https://zettelkasten.sorenbjornstad.com/#OurNamingConventions>, which i 
would call a good example of Best Practice... And yet my own particular 
example is going to differ somewhat, for reasons i would like to document 
in context of this book, which has to work as a standalone entity, even in 
offline mode. This leads me into the next case.

2. Mobile Application: As mentioned earlier in this thread, i want this 
book working on my tablet in uncompromised (i.e. fully interactive) form, 
so i can take it to bed or to the beach or anyplace i want even w/o 
internet connection. In my case, the solution is Quine2 app on iPad -a 
niche case perhaps, which you may or may not choose to address in future 
revision- while Stan has a somewhat different mobile scenario calling for a 
different solution... And in any case, we must all build our own particular 
workflows around some combination of purposes and tools and constraints 
that maybe nobody else in the world will share.

I will sum up by saying @Soren : what you've created in GTW is not just 
another book, but rather a platform for TW learners to make their way up 
the learning curve by building their own "Scaffolding" (a term of art in 
current learning theory, as i expect you probably know) as they go, so... 
Our challenge here is to find a way that we can integrate whatever 
improvements you make to the platform, without compromising the scaffolding 
we users have built on previous versions of it. 

I hope this makes sense, and is something that can be easily-enough 
developed w/ the existing tech, because that will make of GTW a real 
breakthrough work -not only here in the TW community, but moreover in the 
wider world of educational tech, where such tools are sorely needed.


On Sunday, February 14, 2021 at 12:01:25 AM UTC Soren Bjornstad wrote:

> On Saturday, February 13, 2021 at 12:39:34 PM UTC-6 ludwa6 wrote:
>> Speaking of which, @Soren, i have to ask: When the inevitable revision(s) 
>> to this book come out, how do we upgrade without losing our edits?  You 
>> mentioned something about this in another thread 
>> <https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/sDNCk1tDjlM/m/mV4BH1lCAgAJ>, 
>> but i'm still not clear from a user perspective how this is supposed to 
>> work.  Would appreciate if you could explain.
> This isn't something I had gotten to figuring out before I distributed 
> this version, so it is still up in the air. My thinking is that I would add 
> a button somewhere in the settings that would export all content that 
> should be saved (would takeaways, snippets, and notes on completed 
> exercises cover it for you, or were you hoping to be able to add other 
> tiddlers of your own?) and then import it into your new wiki.
> Another (probably harder) possibility would be to hack something on top of 
> the TiddlyWiki upgrade mechanism 
> <https://tiddlywiki.com/#UpgradeMechanism>.

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