Hi Saverio
> From reading a number of posts over the last few weeks, I have learned
> that there are multiple ways to embed structured information within a
> tiddler.  These include tags, custom (or extended) fields, data
> fields, slices, and form fields.  Have I missed any?  When is it
> better to use one over another?
In my experience extended fields are quick and the options are
endless,  when you use them from a custom EditTemplate
If you want to enter fields from the ViewTemplate, you'll need Erics
EditFieldPlugin http://www.tiddlytools.com/#EditFieldPlugin - and
you'll have to accept to save each and every input you make - or you
could install FieldsEditorPlugin http://visualtw.ouvaton.org/VisualTW.html
too speed up a little...
Data fields(text):
If you intend to work with input of data from the ViewTemplate via a
HTMLtemplate or similar - then data fields are very good. When you hit
the edit button, you are able to delete or edit all data (text) at
once (isn't possible with fields). Please correct me if I'm wrong -
but I believe that the amount of text used to write datafields is
making TWs xx-times larger than TW's using fields, because of the
addidtion of <data> xxx::value>/data> everytime you add data...
Slices (text):
Slices and DataFields have the limitation of only beeing able to be
oneliners.....whereas extended fields can have several, which is
sometimes very usefull.

My personal conclusion:
Tags are quick, easy and usable for most things when you just need a
quick way to make structure data - and you'll have the advantage of
using a tiddlers full capacity (wysiwyg, quick edit etc etc etc) as
the containers for whatever the information is...
Custom fields aren't just as accesible, but offer the advantage of
being able to hold several lines of text...
Data fields are accessible from the ViewMode - oneliners, fills your
TW with a lot of (unneccesary?) text ...
Slices are oneliners - but very accessible if you use a plugin as
Eric's (TiddlyTools) GridPlugin http://www.tiddlytools.com/#GridPlugin,
you are able to edit them inline!!

I know there are a lot of different opinions regarding what is the
best way of structuring data in a TW, and I believe there are
better(more elegant) ways to explain pro and cons - however I find
that I use all of them in most of my TWs solving different purposes.
If I have a nice EditTemplate, which uses custom fields - then I use
fields. Has someone made a nice taggersolutionm, I will grab that and
try to use it as much as I possibly can... etc ...

I hope my 2 cents can help you decide what is best for your case...

regards Måns Mårtensson

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