uups. Here's the link to the github discussion: 

On Thursday, May 6, 2021 at 12:07:37 AM UTC+2 PMario wrote:

> I did create a Discussion at github. So it should be longer visible for 
> the devs. 
> <quote from github> Title: New Idea about Permalinks and link-rot using 
> tiddler titles #5668 
> With the popularity of the relink-plugin, it is much easier for users to 
> change tiddler titles, without messing up the wiki itself.
> There has been a very nice idea from Anjar: 
> https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/QOzs3CVtosU/m/_vxFgUeKBAAJ
> to use: https://tiddlywiki.com/#:[created[20140904085700000]] as a 
> permalink.
> There is a problem with core system tiddlers. They don't have a created 
> field. See Proposal
> A second version looks like this: 
> https://tiddlywiki.com/#:[contains:permalink[new-tiddler-20200509141702846]], 
> where the "Permalink" button creates a new field: permalink ... This 
> solution needs write access to the wiki. So this would be the option for 
> the author to create a "human readable" + machine searchable info.
> The problem here is, that the modified field will be updated to the time 
> where the permalink was created. .. But IMO that's ok.
> !! The Proposal is:
> * If the `permalink` field doesn't exist, * use the last part of the 
> link-info eg: -20200509141702846 and search the `created` field * If there 
> is no tiddler with this created field, or the "created-key" doesn't exist 
> (core shadow) * search for system tiddlers, that have the same `<slugified 
> title>` as reqeusted in the tiddler search. 
> The only think we would need to check, if core tiddlers have unique 
> "sluggified titles"
> </quote>
> have fun!
> mario

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