I share your pain, @TT... and am +1 @saq's idea about Discourse and how to 
fund it.  

I for one would be happy to chip in a few $/month to support this 
community, and- from earlier discussion thread @Tones initiated (can't seem 
to find it now; see the problem? :-) -i gather that there be others 
likewise inclined to fund the community somehow, if only we could find an 
equitable way to do so.  As discussed, who or what initiative gets funded, 
and how that gets decided is not a trivial problem... 

So funding for an improved collaboration infrastructure seems not only 
perfectly equitable, it also solves what must be (if TT & i  are at all 
representative) a problem we all share, and an opportunity for more 
effective collaboration.


On Sunday, May 30, 2021 at 7:50:46 AM UTC+1 saq.i...@gmail.com wrote:

> I would like to see us move to using Discourse 
> <https://www.discourse.org/> for discussions. In particular the search 
> feature is very well implemented.
> Professional hosting ranges $50-100 per month. Personally I think an Open 
> Collective model for where the community chips in with recurring monthly 
> contributions to support that would be a good way to approach it.
> On Sunday, May 30, 2021 at 8:34:37 AM UTC+2 TiddlyTweeter wrote:
>> This Google Group is OUR main end-user forum. 
>> There are problems with Google Groups. More recently it was "dumbed-down" 
>> by Google. A lot of tools just disappeared. That just made it worse for OUR 
>> needs.
>> And, long term, it has proved to also have NO DECENT MEMORY. 
>> Search here is the Total Pits.
>> WHAT happens as a result of that?
>> A VERY common pattern that happens daily here is RE-CREATION OF THE 
>> WHEEL. 
>> GG lacks any easy, structured, way to interrogate the VAST knowledge-base 
>> that this GG actually IS. 
>> SO, again and again, you see very similar queries come up and be 
>> patiently RE-answered.
>> I think a much BETTER way would be to leverage off the knowledge 
>> accumulated here and direct users first to already EXTANT solutions.
>> I'm not sure it is possible. 
>> But repetition of the variants on the same question is a waste, I think?
>> Just comments
>> TT

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