
since I was not able to find such a thread, I've decided to create a new 
one. I just want to read your opinions when it's better to just have links 
(inside a tiddler) and when one should create tiddlers for them (as 

I'll try to describe my current problem. At the moment I use this Bookmarks 
plugin <https://brainfck.org/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Finmysocks%2FBookmarks> to 
organize my bookmarks. Examples:

   - List of bookmarks for Tiddlywiki <https://brainfck.org/#Tiddlywiki>
   - List of bookmarks for Golang <https://brainfck.org/#Golang>
As I discover more sites/resources I'd add them as a bookmark and they'll 
be automatically listed on those pages. However, doing so will also 
increase the size of my Tiddlywiki instance. I use nodeJS and call *tiddlywiki 
tw5 --build index *to build one single html size which then get's uploaded 
to AWS S3. 

Now I do know it's better to have single tiddlers for each bookmark since 
you can tag them, filter them and make them available in different 
locations (one bookmark could also be listed in multiple categories: e.g. 
Tiddlywiki *and *Golang). But I was thinking adding just links to a single 
tiddler (like this tiddler <https://brainfck.org/#The%204-day%20workweek>) 
be a better approach. 

What do you think?

Thanks in advance for your input and time.


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