
I may be misunderstanding/misinterpreting your situation (if so I 
apologize), but if you go to More > All in the tabs on the right hand side 
of your TiddlyWiki you'll see, if I'm reading the contents correctly, 
individual Tiddler's for each of your bookmarks. 

As example:

The first link under the TiddlyWiki How To section can also be found as an 
individual Tiddler here: https://brainfck.org/#Google Groups Thread on 
exporting/rendering Tiddlywiki instances

To me the plugin seems to make and organize the individual tiddlers, as 
bookmarks, for you and then displays them in summary view tiddler's based 
on your settings.

You can also go to More > Tags and scroll down to the green TiddlyWiki tag 
and when you click on it you can see all the individual tiddlers that are 
displayed in the summary bookmark view of the TiddlyWiki page you linked 

If you are asking if the above approach (an individual tiddler per link 
with summary pages) is better or worse than a *manual* page with a bunch of 
links you update as you find them then I would say, based on consideration 
for the workflow involved, quality of life interaction/steps, and also the 
fact that many users here have stated they have massive tiddlywiki's with 
little performance hit, that I would stick with what you have and not be 
too concern with the size.

So far the only concern I've noted on here, regarding TiddlyWiki size, is 
when a Tiddler was renamed and a plugin had to go back and review an index 
of all the tiddler's to see if it needed to update any of them. But that 
seemed to be a unique case.

Again, sorry if I misunderstood your question/situation.

On Tuesday, June 22, 2021 at 6:22:29 AM UTC-4 Victor Dorneanu wrote:

> Hi,
> since I was not able to find such a thread, I've decided to create a new 
> one. I just want to read your opinions when it's better to just have links 
> (inside a tiddler) and when one should create tiddlers for them (as 
> bookmarks). 
> I'll try to describe my current problem. At the moment I use this 
> Bookmarks plugin 
> <https://brainfck.org/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Finmysocks%2FBookmarks> to 
> organize my bookmarks. Examples:
>    - List of bookmarks for Tiddlywiki <https://brainfck.org/#Tiddlywiki>
>    - List of bookmarks for Golang <https://brainfck.org/#Golang>
> As I discover more sites/resources I'd add them as a bookmark and they'll 
> be automatically listed on those pages. However, doing so will also 
> increase the size of my Tiddlywiki instance. I use nodeJS and call 
> *tiddlywiki 
> tw5 --build index *to build one single html size which then get's 
> uploaded to AWS S3. 
> Now I do know it's better to have single tiddlers for each bookmark since 
> you can tag them, filter them and make them available in different 
> locations (one bookmark could also be listed in multiple categories: e.g. 
> Tiddlywiki *and *Golang). But I was thinking adding just links to a 
> single tiddler (like this tiddler 
> <https://brainfck.org/#The%204-day%20workweek>) might be a better 
> approach. 
> What do you think?
> Thanks in advance for your input and time.
> Cheers,
> Victor 

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