On Sun, Jun 18, 2023 at 5:36 PM Charlie Veniot <cj.ven...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If you have an approach you think is simpler than the one described above,
> please let everybody know about it.

Here is one I find simpler (YMMV):

<$railroad text={{{
[["(" <"numValue1"> "," <"numValue2"> ")"]]

and a slight variation:

<$railroad text={{{
[["]] [<currentTiddler>] =[["]]
[["(" <"numValue1"> "," <"numValue2"> ")"]]

For me the first line in each of the above read slightly easier than that
addprefix/addsuffix combination since I don't need to mentally re-order
anything. And having all the quoting together in a single line (2nd line in
each of the above) I found it easier to read since at a glance I can tell
everything on that line is part of one static string.

Maybe these small tweaks aren't what you had in mind, but I thought I'd
share in case it helps.

Also, the future 5.3 version of Tiddlywiki might introduce substitution
within attribute values:
With that feature, you could do this:

<$railroad text=`"$(currentTiddler)$" "(" <"numValue1"> ","

I know Charlie has a self-imposed policy not to upgrade past 5.2.3, so this
last one is for others who might be interested.

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