Also, considering that TW already has a backstage mechanism for
setting options (Tweak and/or Options from AdvancedOptionsPlugin (1)),
it would be nice if such a mechanism were enabled for SystemSettings.
It could be added as a tab to existing options, where you could add a
tick to make it cookie dependent and/or set the actual default value.


(1) http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#AdvancedOptionsPlugin

On Nov 20, 10:34 am, whatever <kbrezov...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I was just checking out the beta and I noticed that dates seem to be
> all out of whack. For example,http://tiddlywiki.com/beta/#PersistentOptions
> shows date modified 20 December 2010 andhttp://tiddlywiki.com/beta/#HelloThere
> shows date modified 15 December 2008 (possible, but unlikely,
> considering the content).
> w
> On Nov 19, 12:53 pm, Ton van Rooijen <tons...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> > This is a very nice enhancement indeed.
> > The syntax however is i.m.h.o. somewhat confusing. Why append the
> > option-name with "_cookie:"?
> > a) to me it looks like an unnecessary complication of the syntax.
> > b) the syntax more or less suggests (because of the closing colon)
> > that you could still provide a value, which is illogical.
> > So why not simply stick to the original syntax of
> > "option-name: value" or
> > "option-name=value"
> > in which value can be "cookie", "true", "false" or a real value (like
> > e.g. in "txtUserName").
> > W.r.t. the discussion about the preference: cookie vs SystemSettings I
> > would like to suggest 2 possible solutions.
> > Either:
> > SystemSettings take preference when viewed over HTTP, whilst when
> > opened from a local file the cookies take preference. This gives
> > maximum control for the author/owner.
> > Or:
> > The SystemSettings enhancement is even further enhanced by being able
> > to have 2 sets of system-settings: one options-set for viewing over
> > HTTP and one for local use from a file.
> > I fully support the earlier suggestions from AlanBCohen and
> > "whatever", to make cookies dependent on the filename of the TW-file.
> > So every TW-file gets its own cookies.
> > P.S. This whole contribution is written based on experience with
> > independent TWs; I have no knowledge of or experience with
> > TiddlySpace.
> > Thanks to all involved for again having a great TW release.
> > On 18 nov, 14:06, Martin Budden <mjbud...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I'm pleased to announce the TiddlyWiki 2.6.2 beta release.
> > > This release consists of a number of minor usability and hackability
> > > enhancements, as described athttp://trac.tiddlywiki.org/wiki/History,
> > > and one fairly major enhancement.
> > > The major enhancement is the addition of persistent options, also
> > > known as 'baked cookies'. This is the ability of TiddlyWiki to store
> > > some of its options in a tiddler, the SystemSettings tiddler, so that
> > > these options are retained even if the user deletes all their cookies,
> > > or moves the TiddlyWiki to another computer.
> > > The persistent options are more fully described at:
> > >http://tiddlywiki.com/beta/#PersistentOptions
> > > We are soliciting feedback about Persistent Options as part of this
> > > beta release, in particular:
> > > 1) Which options do you think should be persistent, and which options
> > > should be in cookies?
> > > 2) Do you think the persistent options have been explained properly,
> > > and do you have any suggestions to improve the explanation?
> > > 3) Which should take precedence a persistent option or a cookie? That
> > > is should a persistent option overwrite an option previously set in a
> > > cookie, or should the cookie value take precedence? This has been the
> > > subject of some discussion, and we are by no means sure which is the
> > > better option. In the beta the persistent option overwrites the cookie
> > > option.
> > > Note that for a standalone TiddlyWiki, the impact of the difference in
> > > precedence is not that great, but for TiddlySpace the impact is more
> > > significant: it means an option set locally by a user in a cookie can
> > > be overwritten by another user of the TiddlySpace, if that option is
> > > persistent.
> > > Martin

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