Hi Saverio

> How about a new toggle "share" that does this fancy stuff, so you can
> control what is uploaded to the Dropbox share, and what is not.  Could
> you also untoggle, and the tiddler would be retracted from the share,
> but still remain in your private tiddler?

The export panel allows you to hand pick titles. or to select bundles
by tag etc. etc.
For more advanced use cases this seems the best tool I guess...

I checked your retracting:
If I write a tiddler (it will be saved) > I pick that single one and
merge it to the export html
If I remove the tiddler in the tw the export still will have it :(

To bypass this (and sort of mimic) your retraction I suggest you could
use export only by tag.
In the example with the NotePublisher the only tiddler someone could
create is already tagged "note".
So when you merge your latest it is written to the file.
If you untag the tiddler:
If you keep the convention that all tiddlers exported have a common
tag...then a retraction mechanism could use of rewriting the entire
export html. (to do rewriting you have to delete the existing export
Rewrite the export html with all titles tagged "note" (then the list
is updated again...minus that one)


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