Alex Hough wrote (excerpts):

The point about governance is an interesting one that has come up
before, its an interesting one given the context - of open source
innovation. It would make a great study for a  student of business (I
have made some enquiries for myself) - the story should be written up.
But I don't think governance should get in the way of some
entrepreneurial thinking.

What with Jeremy and Erik both looking for some ways to support both TiddlyWiki and themselves, it seems like this is the time to start thinking business model and organization very seriously.

And in that regard, two possible models suggest themselves:

1. Zotero ( is a bibliographic tool for managing research citations. It runs as both a stand-alone browser plug-in, and in concert with a central server for sharing bibliographic records. It's as, or more, capable than commercial products and has a significant following among academic researchers. It strikes me as an effort of comparable scope to Tiddly.

The project "lives" within the "Roy Rosenzweig Center for Historiy and New Media" in the Dept. of History and Art History, at George Mason University - with work funded by several foundation grants. I.e., a few techies are employed by a grant to develop and maintain the software, within a university department.

It strikes me that Jeremy and Erik might have some serious discussion with UnaMesa about how to set up a similar arrangement under UnaMesa's 501(c)3 umbrella, and pursuing foundation and/or corporate sponsors for the work.

2. Talk to the folks behind CouchDB about how they ended up operating under the Apache Software Foundation, and how they support themselves and the continued development of CouchDB.

At some point, Tiddly is going to live or die by whether or not the folks most committed to it find a long-term model for supporting the software and themselves.

(Just one man's opinion.)

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In<fnord>  practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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