On Apr 24, 12:54 am, twgrp <matiasg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In deed incredible that you "threw this together" just like that! It
> appears to be exactly what I'm hoping for!
> And clever to split it up like that for other possible applications.
> (BTW, maybe the coming G-drive [1] will even replace picasa! To some
> extent it already appears Google are trying to make Google+ replace
> it. )
IMO g-drive is similar to dropbox and the like. It allways depends on
the API that is available for 3rd parties to connect to such services.
The picasaweb API is well documented and available. So we'll see ...

> 1) It is only possible to display fully public stuff with your setup,
> yes? Picasaweb also has the option to "only show for those who have a
> direct link" and it has the "Public Gallery" and "Unlisted Gallery"
> views.
There is some little documentation about, what's possible with the
gallery plugin. See [1]
there is the

      authkey :           'optional-picasa-authkey',

which imo is the one you get if you restrict access at picasaweb album

I did a test, but the plugin doesn't show the thumb. Needs some more
testing see [2]

> 2) For the gallery tiddler call, it appears all album covers are
> displayed regardless if I specify an ALBUM_NAME or all
should be fixed, but now names are _case sensitive_!

> 3) How did you create that user name? Mine is only a long number. On
> your picasa page, your actual name shows up, not that user name that
> you use as an argument in the tiddler call.
It's your google user name. mine is same as gmail name.

> 4) Album ID.. in deed. Did you do what I did:
> right click on the very album page to look at the html code. Search
> "albumid" and find it in a link "...albumid/thisisthenumber" then
> *drag* it into the tiddler and then cut from. Not purdy..
jup. it is part of the album page html metadata. As I said, painful.

> ...However, why is this ID necessay? - why isn't the album *name*
Names are not unique, these IDs are.

> enough, just like when calling for the album gallery? (BTW... did you
> code this or is was it part of that package?)
There is some description [1], how to call this stuff. And there is
the demo page [3]. Where I had a look at the html source code.

Using InlineJavascriptPlugin and TW transclusion, is quite nice for
prototyping, because you can call jQuery plugins allmost like in the
examples. But most of the time, some TW wrapping is needed. eg:
UNIQE_ID which needs to be there, if you want to open several tiddlers
at the same time ....... This could be part of the <script> but it
would need more programming. ....

The next step would be to create a stand allone plugin, with named
params. Because as you can see, at the moment, the transclusion stuff
[2], does a lot of code duplication, which makes code maintenance more
difficult. ...

Creating the transclusion prototype needed about an hour. Playing with
the possibilities, restructuring the "with: params" and writing
documentation needed about 2 hours.

IMO this wouldn't be possible without TW/TS as a app framework. That's
one of the reasons why I like the TiddlyVerse :)


[1] http://picasagallery.tiddlyspace.com/#EmbedPicasaGallery.js
[2] http://picasagallery.tiddlyspace.com/#PicasaTest
[3] http://oss.oetiker.ch/jquery/jquery.EmbedPicasaGallery.html

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