Album ID

I found a thread mentioning that:
"Go to your PWA account and click on the album in question.
Click on the 'RSS' link to the right.
You should get something like the following:

This is at least better than what I described above peeking at the
page source etc. Just maybe it is possible to extract it since it
appearently does exist there as a link.
...or, just maybe the page to apply the whole picasaplugin/slimbox
should be the RSS page!?

I also found this possibly relevant thread which is a bit too cryptic
for me:

(I don't know if it is an issue, but maybe one should be alert so they
don't discuss the Picasa desktop application instead of Picasaweb.)

Of any value? (I'm asking anybody interested in the matter of course,
not just local hero PMario ;-)


On Apr 25, 12:33 am, twgrp <> wrote:
> On Apr 24, 2:15 pm, PMario <> wrote:
> >       authkey :           'optional-picasa-authkey',
> > ...
> > I did a test, but the plugin doesn't show the thumb. Needs some more
> > testing see [2]
> Yeah, it would be great if it could work. (Apparently picasa is fully
> connected to Google+ meaning that if you make a picture/album fully
> public in picasa then it is so also in G+. Annoying to have anyone
> watch the kids pics I store in Picasa, not to mention "pics of the
> sofa I'm selling" etc.)
> > examples. But most of the time, some TW wrapping is needed. eg:
> > UNIQE_ID which needs to be there, if you want to open several tiddlers
> > at the same time ....... This could be part of the <script> but it
> > would need more programming. ....
> With "open several tiddlers" do you mean with one pic/tumbnail per
> tiddler, or why several tids?
> Anyway, that is a great idea. If you allow me:
> Having each loaded thumbnail be a link to an (eventual?) tiddler with
> the picture. That current "enlarge+black background" display is very
> good and deserves to stay, but it would be awesome if a gallery is
> loaded and you're allowed to handle with one picture at a time in TW.
> If it is at all possible (I'm going crazy here) there could be eg. a
> small icon under each thumbnail. If the tumbnail itself is clicked
> then that enlarged/black bgr is displayed but if the small icon is
> clicked, the tiddler opens (is created?) showing the enlarged picture
> (plus any additional tiddler content). And (going even crazier)
> imagine if one could fET these things on tags and get a resulting list
> of icons? That would really make for easy made galleries :-)
> Considering how there are relatively few de facto products for photo
> storage, and the enormous popularity of pics/clips, it is a bit
> surprising these things are not very established in TiddlyVerse.
> (...said the big-mouth who can't code...)
> I'll try to find some easier way for that album ID at the picasa
> forums.
> <:-)

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