Hi Julien,

I've made a number of tests which is reported in the docs [1], "Detailed 
reference" section, after the examples of different *url*s. In short, I 
succeeded with including from "../some path" in Opera, Safari and IE but FF 
and Chrome refused to work that way. I think I tested that in TW 2.6.0. As 
for the TW 2.7.2, could you please test it with FF + STP 2.1.0 yourself? 
I'll have a look and report when I release STP 2.2.0, but there's an amount 
of work to do first..

Best regards,

[1] http://yakovl.bplaced.net/TW/STP/STP.html#SharedTiddlersPluginInfo

суббота, 25 мая 2013 г., 20:04:52 UTC+4 пользователь julien23 написал:
> Hi Yakov
> your example
>> <<describeNode "commons" "../commons/commons.html">>
> features a relative link to parent directory ../
> did you finaly had it work ?
> with FF or another browser ?
> Regards
> Julien 
> Le vendredi 3 mai 2013 13:57:46 UTC+2, Yakov a écrit :
>> Hello all,
>> today I'm proud to announce the brand new STP 2.0.0. In fact the changes 
>> in functionality don't look that impressive, but introduction of TwWeb 
>> required much coding and testing and will be fruitful in further versions.
>> So, what was changed?
>> TwWeb -- is a system tracking TiddlyWikis (nodes) inside a virtual "web". 
>> As for now, there's new
>> <<describeNode nodeName "node path/file name.html">>
>> macro. It adds a description of a node to the TwWeb; node names can be 
>> than used in the <<include>> macro like this:
>> <<include "node: nodeName" ...>>
>> What advantage does this add? Currently, the main one is that 
>> <<describeNode>> accounts the source of the tiddler it was handled in which 
>> allows to use relative paths only and painlessly move/rename nodes.
>> For instance, if you put into the IncludeList
>> <<describeNode "commons" "../commons/commons.html">>
>> <<include "node: commons" filters:"[[CommonsHub]]" wikify>>
>> and then put
>> <<describeNode "someExtensionRepository" 
>> "./extensions/someExtension.html">>
>> <<include "node: someExtensionRepository" filters:"[[SomeExtension]]" 
>> import:4>>
>> to the CommonsHub, the latter include macro will be corretly treated in 
>> the initial TiddlyWiki (with IncludeList), despite that the 
>> "./extensions/someExtension.html" url is incorrect for it (correct one is 
>> "./commons/extensions/someExtension.html").
>> While this all sounds complicated, this already work for me quite well 
>> and in future versions I'm going to implement at least links like [[link 
>> text|tiddler name]]@nodeName which will require only <<describeNode>> 
>> macro. For now, it is recommended to try <<describeNode>> and, ideally make 
>> all your <<include>> macros use node names instead of url directly.
>> ***
>> Other changes are:
>> * <<include>> macro got a new parameter: wikify, which causes 
>> wikification of included tiddlers, obviously; <<wikifyIncluded>> macro is 
>> now deprecated and throws alerts about it (it still works, but in the next 
>> version I'm going to cut its functionality and leave the notification only).
>> * some minor changes/fixes
>> ** now STP works for me in FireFox and Android 4.0.3, looks like all the 
>> "a.fetchTiddler is not fuction" issues had gone
>> * major update of the documentation, new "Functionality and examples" 
>> section will ease reading about functionality, without digging those 
>> filters, priorities etc
>> ** though, the new section is not very small and all the suggestions 
>> about documentation are welcome
>> Best regards,
>> Yakov.
>> ------
>> PS May be you don't know that you can subscribe for email notifications 
>> about new comments in this thread; if you are interested to stay tuned, 
>> check the popup button under the thread title (next to the "g+1" button).
>> воскресенье, 16 декабря 2012 г., 2:42:51 UTC+4 пользователь Yakov написал:
>>> Hello everybody,
>>> today I'd like to announce that the public release of SharedTiddlers 
>>> plugin is ready [1].
>>> In principle, almost everything, including an introduction, can be found 
>>> in the repository.
>>> In two words: the plugin allows to
>>> * see tiddlers from another tiddlywikis (as read-only) inside the "main" 
>>> one
>>> * share theme components (style sheets, templates: PageTemplate, 
>>> ViewTemplate, EditTemplate, ToolbarCommands) which can be stored in one 
>>> central TW
>>> * do other things, including sharing evaluated transclusions like 
>>> "toggle menus" engines from TiddlyTools [2] or "custom" ones (in fact, most 
>>> of plugins can easily turned into evaluated transclusions, which will be 
>>> described in the documentation later)
>>> Some major improvements since IncludePlugin [3]:
>>> * now a set of tiddlers (defined by a filter) can be included instead of 
>>> all tiddlers
>>> * shadows and tiddlers can be "substituted" with the included tiddlers 
>>> (they are not altered and if including is switched off, they remain the 
>>> same as they were)
>>> * a notification system for name conflicts is introduced
>>> * elements of themes are now applied on load
>>> * wikifyIncluded macro is introduced (see docs)
>>> * simple "importing" engine is added
>>> * slices are recalculated according to the presence of new tiddlers
>>> * documentation on how to make plugins "include-aware" is added (and 
>>> pieces of code that make abego plugins "include-aware" are removed from the 
>>> main code)
>>> Feedback is welcome. Though, I'm rather slow in my development, so take 
>>> this into account. Also, if you have some "basic" questions, please take a 
>>> look at the docs first and let me know if I missed something there.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Yakov.
>>> PS there are some plans for further development including
>>> * evaluation system for plugins (to remove the need of making evaluated 
>>> transclusions)
>>> * aggregation tools for analysing data (search and other) among several 
>>> TWs simultaneously (accounting name conflicts)
>>> but I can't predict how soon I implement this.
>>> [1] http://yakovl.bplaced.net/TW/STP/STP.html
>>> [2] http://www.tiddlytools.com/#ToggleLeftSidebar%20ToggleRightSidebar 
>>> [3] http://tiddlywiki.abego-software.de/#IncludePlugin

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