пятница, 14 июня 2013 г., 2:20:45 UTC+4 пользователь Yakov написал:
> Hi Mario
> четверг, 13 июня 2013 г., 3:59:25 UTC+4 пользователь PMario написал:
>> On Wednesday, June 12, 2013 10:05:38 PM UTC+2, Yakov wrote:
>>> Two more things. First, I've got a problem with the indents. Most likely 
>>> it's a CodeMirror bug, but still.. I've changed my tabSize for JavaScript 
>>> to 8. Now I've got 4 spaces instead of 1 tab here and there. An example: I 
>>> create a tiddler, set its content-type to "text/javascript", type
>>> function a(b,c) {
>>>     var d = b;     <- here I have tab, not spaces - this is changed by 
>>> google.groups
>>> }
>> As described in the CodeMirrorConfig: Global section if you use 
>> indentWithTabs: true. tabSize and indentUnit have to be the same value, 
>> otherwise you'll get strange behaviour.  
>> indentWithTabs: true
>> tabSize: 8
>> indentUnit: 8
>> I did test this and it works. 
>> tabSize: 8
>> indentUnit: 4
>> this doesn't work. 
>> Ah, thanks, now it works :)
> This is by intention. 2 reasons.
>> a) I did test it with highlighting every pipe sign but it was very 
>> distracting. I didn't like it.
>> b) the code to highlight it is much easier :)
> I see. May be in this case it's more useful to highlight the whole line 
> with some background-color? Anyway, adding a class to the whole line 
> shouldn't be more difficult than to the first pipe. Also, different classes 
> can be added to the caption line, class line, header line and ordinary 
> content lines which can be of use, too. (let us know when you introduce 
> some updates to the tiddlywiki.js; or may be there's an automatic way to 
> keep track of the updates?)
> Hey, there's more: it would be *really* useful if odd and even table lines 
are highlightened differently -- it would ease working with big tables 
considerably. Though, I guess that will rise some difficulties in 
implementation (the engine should take a look at at least previous line).

> 4 spaces in view mode actually is a bug, the CodeMirror.runMode() function 
>> doesn't get the options object. May be I forgot it, since I use tabSize:4 
>> and the default is tabSize:4 :)
>> Having a look a the runmode.js source, it will allways convert tabs into 
>> spaces, since the codemirror author programmed it that way. (btw: he seems 
>> to hate tabs in code)
> Honestly, I didn't get if that's a CodeMirror bug, or plugins' bug, or you 
> haven't figured yet :)
> By the way, what do you think about my hijacks? Will you include them to 
> the plugin?
> Best regards,
> Yakov.

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