I must say I am very discouraged and saddened with Tiddlywiki as a whole 
right now.

TW5 is of no use or interest to me - and it seems as if there is nobody 
around anymore who is willing to help a struggling TWC user like myself.

I have searched dilligently - gotten & tried every server-side option I can 
find - and NOTHING works correctly for me.

I have created a whole new iteration of TWC on my hosted space for each and 
the best I ever get is the 'uploading to...' message, and then...
Nothing more.

I don't know enough about MySQL and/or PHP to make that work and I am in no 
way a coder - just a guy who really likes using Tiddlywiki from anyplace I 
happen to be.

Would someone please help me to get TWC to work again, please ??


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