Hello Daniel and thanks for replying.

You wrote:
Is there a reason you don't want to just edit locally and use dropbox or something to sync the file around?

Many small reasons actually...
Sometimes I am on the road for a few days and need info that I keep in TW - and need to change or add to what is there. (Just being able to visit my domain & log into it for all that is a wonderful thing !!)
I am very happy just using TWC;
I don't want to use the dropbox s/w;
I have my own domain & hosting;
I have no use for TW5 or most newer browsers or even HTML5...etc.

TWC worked in my hosted space this way before - even if I had to re-download Tiddlyhome & re-initialize it - but now that does not even work anymore & I've no idea why nor how to fix it. (Bidix seems to have dropped it too.)

So I am stuck and hoping someone will help me somehow to get un-stuck ?!?



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