Hi MetalSoviet,

To work with TW5 is on the top of the todo list, in the near future they 
shall do.
I am not sure of TiddlySpot, never tried. I am sure they work in 
TiddlySpace, though.

Have fun!

On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 3:46:57 AM UTC+8, MetalSoviet wrote:
> Can these things be used in the offline TW5 file or only in TiddlySpot? 
> El sábado, 9 de febrero de 2013 09:21:03 UTC-5, Vincent Yeh escribió:
> Interested in editing your tiddler in the view mode in TiddlyWiki? Try 
> this view mode editor plugin TWted (requires TWtid).
> Interested in a calculator that supports (partially for now) Excel syntax 
> in Tiddlywiki? Try the simple calculator plugin TWtcalc (requires TWtid).
> These plugins are under active development. You are very welcome to give 
> comments/suggestions/bug reports. :-)
> The first versions of these plugins were TableEditor and TableCalculator, 
> released in 2012/06/24, that only supported table editing in the view mode. 
> Later they were extended constantly and then evolved into TWtable, TWted 
> and TWtcalc (released 2012/10/19), still only supported table editing. 
> Recently they were further extended to support view mode editing on most of 
> the block elements (see below) in a tiddler, much more than just a table 
> editor, so I decided to start a new thread for these plugins. You can find 
> their earlier history in the old thread "Inline Editing of Tables" started 
> by pepebe.
>    - TWtid v1.5.0 — The basis of the view mode tiddler editor TWted and 
>    simple calculator TWtcalc, including a table renderer.
>       - Generalized the codes from TWtable 1.4.6, which works for tables 
>       only, to support most kinds of block elements, see descriptions for 
>       TWted below.
>       - The included *table renderer* supports
>          - scrolling for large tables,
>          - multi-lined cell content (you can have a list in a table cell),
>          - synchronization among all copies (transcluded and 
>          non-transcluded).
>       - See TWtid for more details.
>    - TWted v1.5.0 — The view mode tiddler editor.
>       - Edit block elements either in view mode (default) or in edit mode 
>       (option description "Active in view mode")
>          - If in view mode, the default edit box remains the same;
>          - if in edit mode, the view mode remains for viewing only.
>             - The system default edit box can be brought up by double 
>             clicking in a no-element area (note that some elements are much 
> wider than 
>             their content).
>          - Works on most of the block elements:
>          - *Tables* —
>             - easy access to cell content for editing purposes
>             - insertion/deletion of rows/columns
>             - copy/cut/paste the cells/rows/columns
>          - *Lists* — both kinds, * and # (corresponding to <UL> and <OL>), 
>          as many levels as TiddlyWiki supports;
>          - *Headers* — ! ~ !!!!!!, corresponding to H1 ~ H6;
>          - *Blockquotes* — three levels supported: >, >> and >>>;
>          - *Blockexamples* — lines of text enclosed by two <<<;
>          - *Preformatted blocks* — lines of text enclosed by two 
>          triple-braces.
>       - A simple previewer to see the output as you are typing.
>          - Option txtTWtedPreviewOpacity to change opacity of the 
>          previewer. Default to 0.9.
>          - Option txtTWtedPreviewCaret to specify the caret symbol in the 
>          previewer. Default to the vertical line (|).
>       - Edit tiddler title.
>       - Two options offering three levels of automation in the editing 
>       behavior:
>          - Two options:
>             - chkTWtedCatTheMouse — Activate/Deactivate edit mode with 
>             mouse motion.
>             - chkTWtedNoClick — Edit the cell content without clicking it.
>          - Three levels of automation:
>             - Manual: set both options to false. Click the 'E' button to 
>             start/stop editing the closest block element.
>             - Half automated: set the 1st option to true and 2nd to 
>             false. In this level a table enters edit mode automatically when 
> mouse is 
>             hovering over it while other block elements remain manual. 'E' 
> button is 
>             hidden, need to lick within the block element (or the table cell) 
> to edit.
>             - Automated: set both options to true. Move the mouse over a 
>             block element or a table cell to edit. (Warning: this can be 
> annoying in 
>             some cases!)
>          </li
> ...

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