Hi Vincent,

On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 11:47:03 AM UTC+2, Vincent Yeh wrote:
> Ton,
> Thanks for the quick test and respond!
> On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 4:34:48 PM UTC+8, Ton Gerner wrote:
> Hi Vincent,
> I am still using the old versions TWted.min_v1.4.6 & TWtable.min_v1.4.6.
> Since I am mainly interested in the table editor, I only installed 
> twve.core v3.0.0 & twve.table v3.0.0 in a fresh TW v2.8.1 (using Windows 7 
> 64-bit, Firefox v29.01, and Chrome v34.0.1847.137) and did some quick tests.
> Completely according to Murphy's law, the first test I did went wrong ;-)
> Hahaha! That's nice!
> 1) I tested with an available table that contained pretty links in cells.
> I think you can imagine what happened: the "|" in the pretty link was seen 
> as a cell boundary and the row will contain an extra cell. So when editing 
> you get a cell with e.g. "[[Google" and the next cell with "
> http://www.google.com]]"; 
> I had never seen this before, so I checked a TW containing the old version 
> v1.4.6. There it worked "normal". I think you lost a precondition during 
> refactoring.
> Yeah, I was wondering why you are having this trouble and I am not, but 
> soon I found that *I accidentally moved that part of codes into 
> twve.extra*, which you did not install and I did (and that explains why I 
> don't have this problem). Sorry and thank you. This is a no-need-to-code 
> bug and easy to fix: just move that part of codes into either twve.core or 
> twve.table. I'll fix it tonight.
Yeah, that explains it.

> 2) When hovering over a table I get the "Hamburger" icon with a tooltip 
> "table menu" *and* a message "transpose", but when clicking the "Hamburger" 
> nothing happens. What is it supposed to do? Like clicking the "C" in the 
> old version, a link to "twve.core Options" and "twve.table Options?
> There is an option *chktwveTableTranspose* that you need to check to 
> enable transposition (otherwise the "transpose" message is dimmed and not 
> functioning). See the instructions given in Transposition 
> example<http://twve.tiddlyspace.com/#twve.table--Example--Transposition>
> .
> I put in this option long time ago and did not mention it at all, because 
> the transposition codes were not correct and could mess up with the other 
> part of the tiddler text (see this 
> document<http://twve.tiddlyspace.com/#%5B%5BTransposing%20a%20table%20--%20backward%20thinking%5D%5D>if
>  you are interested in the details). I am thinking of removing it since 
> (I think) the codes are correct and safe now.
I did not notice the possibility of transposing a table but like the idea.
Can you add the option menu (the "C" in the old version) to the 
"Hamburger"? I found the "C" a little bit distracting in normal view; the 
"Hamburger" is only visible when hovering.

> 3) When clicking the GettingStarted tiddler (at a "blank" spot within the 
> dotted boundaries), I get a message "tiddler[GettingStarted] does not 
> exist!"
> Ah, that's a debug message for me. I will take it off tonight.
> Are there any plans to make a TW5 version?
> Yes, I am actually working on it, but I haven't got clear the plugin and 
> refreshing mechanisms yet... If you can point me to a simple example, it 
> will be highly appreciated!

Sorry, I can't help you; I am just an end user, no developer or programmer.
Post your question in the Dev group and Jeremy or others can answer your 
questions for sure.



> Cheers,
> Ton
> On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 8:43:24 AM UTC+2, Vincent Yeh wrote:
> Oops! Found a small bug in *twve.tcalc* that stops calculations when the 
> tiddler is just loaded. Had fixed it and uploaded the twve.tcalc.min 
> v3.0.1 <http://twve.tiddlyspace.com/#twve.tcalc.min> just now.
> Have Fun!
> Vincent
> On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 2:41:29 AM UTC+8, Vincent Yeh wrote:
> Re-uploaded the twve.table.min 
> v3.0.0<http://twve.tiddlyspace.com/#twve.table.min>for a tiny correction. If 
> you have already downloaded this plugin, please 
> download again. Sorry for the mistake.
> Have Fun!
> Vincent
> On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 12:26:15 AM UTC+8, Vincent Yeh wrote:
> Release of twve (*T*iddly*W*iki *V*iew mode *E*ditor) v3.0.0 (formerly 
> TWtid, TWted, TWtable, and TWtcalc).
>    - The twve is divided into several plugins. To know which ones to 
>    install, see the Installation section in release note (
> http://twve.tiddlyspace.com/#[[Release%20Note%20v3.0.0]]<http://twve.tiddlyspace.com/#%5B%5BRelease%20Note%20v3.0.0%5D%5D>
>    ).
>    - For other information, such as new features, examples, or bug fixes, 
>    see the release note at 
> http://twve.tiddlyspace.com/#[[Release%20Note%20v3.0.0]]<http://twve.tiddlyspace.com/#%5B%5BRelease%20Note%20v3.0.0%5D%5D>
>    .
> Have Fun!
> Vincent
> p.s. Yakov, I haven't got the slice things done yet. Hopefully next 
> release.
> On Friday, April 11, 2014 11:27:37 AM UTC+8, Vincent Yeh wrote:
> On Friday, April 11, 2014 5:58:27 AM UTC+8, Yakov wrote:
> четверг, 10 апреля 2014 г., 10:56:59 UTC+4 пользователь Vincent Yeh 
> написал:
> Yakov,
> Thanks for the help. I think I have fixed that bug in the current 
> snapshot. Hopefully it is gone for good.
> I haven't got the slices yet, but have been debugging the next version 
> (tons of bug fixes!). 
> That's good. The 2.0.8 build often makes Opera 12.16 crash, so I use it 
> mostly with FireFox. I'll wait for the next version before I start to 
> figure how to reproduce those crashes (if they don't vanish).
> Opera...practically I don't use it (because I don't know how to enable 
> cookies with it) so I never had serious tests of the plugins with it. I now 
> use FireFox so it should work fine. I used to use Chrome but stopped after 
> the failure of TiddlySavor due to Java's security things. Although 
> TiddlySavor works now and some of my files do save with it, I still have 
> others failing to save without a clear reason. I will stick to FireFox till 
> I figure it out.
> I am also preparing a document for plugin authors to use the twve.core for 
> view mode editing and/or transclusion synchronization purposes. After that 
> I will work on the slice 
> ...

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