Hi Yakov,

On Tuesday, May 27, 2014 1:54:01 AM UTC+8, Yakov wrote:
> Hi Vincent
> суббота, 24 мая 2014 г., 7:09:16 UTC+4 пользователь Vincent Yeh написал:
> 2. Lists
> 2.2 Changing of the list order is rather slow
> Hmmm, I just noticed in my 
> example<http://twve.tiddlyspot.com/#%5B%5Btwve--Example--List%20Items%5D%5D>that
>  *it 
> caused an infinite loop when I tried to move down the last item*, but 
> worked quite smoothly in other cases, even when moving up the very first 
> one (well, you may get strange results but that's how TiddlyWiki renders 
> lists, not the *twve*). Are you saying it is slow in general, or just 
> cases similar to what I mentioned? If it is general then I would guess it's 
> some interference with other plugins.
> Well, no, for me (in FF/Opera) in a list as simple as
> * one
> * two
> * three
> moving the first or the second item down takes 3-4 seconds (even if that's 
> the only open tiddler).

I am guessing that could be the AutoSave feature (I remember you had once 
mentioned about this?).

In v3.0.2 (and earlier versions) moving an element (such as a list item) 
includes setting the tiddler text twice, which would trigger the saving 
action twice if AutoSave is enabled. That could be time consuming. I can 
reduce the time of setting tiddler text to once, should save half of the 
time but I don't know how to save more with AutoSave enabled. Usually I 
disable the AutoSave option and moving elements is very smooth.

> 3. Tables (haven't made consistent testing yet)
> 3.1 Multiline cells interact in an incorrect way with the following text. 
> To understand what I mean, try this in a tiddler:
> |text text text text text text text text text text text text text text 
> text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text 
> text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text 
> text text long enough to be multiline|
> text
> Hmmm, this is odd. I shall take a deep look into the codes...
> By the way, you can put "multi-lined" content, such as lists, blockquotes, 
> etc., in a table cell, as shown in this 
> example<http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftwve.tiddlyspot.com%2F%23%255B%255Btwve.table--Example--Multi-lined%2520Content%255D%255D&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNHRDJj3LajUiX23uoX2QWSugTP3wg>
> .
> Looks cool, but here's an important point: this feature is a change in 
> representation (while the whole twve plugins are about making 
> *editing*easier), so if it's possible, I would like to have a small plugin 
> that 
> makes tables format multiline content -- so that in a public TW I could use 
> that plugin without any inline editing stuff.

That could be a good idea to try at a later time.

> 3.2 Inline editing (at least adding/removing colomns) seem to remove 
> additional classes. Say, I have a borderless table
> |borderless|k
> |text|
> After I add a new colomn, the table becomes with borders (it is ok for 
> edit mode, but in view mode I would like to have my CSS applied). The 
> |borderless|k part is not removed, if the tiddler is reopened, the 
> borders are gone again.
> CSS here is
> .borderless, .borderless tr, .borderless th, .borderless td { border: none 
> !important; }
> Note the !important part: without it, the stying is not applied at all -- 
> I would consider this as a bug, too.
> This I really have no idea. The *twve* does not do anything about styles 
> because I have very limited knowledge about CSS statements. If that is a 
> bug in *twve*, that must be due to the nothing be done about styles. In 
> that case it may take a long time to fix...
> Ouch. I wanted to check if the DOM classes are removed, but the bug is no 
> longer reproducible.. Let's forget about it until I can reproduce it again.
> However, the need to add the !important part to CSS stays.

You mean without twve you don't need this ! important thing, but with it 
you do, is that right? That will be a trouble to me because I have no idea 
at all what this ! important is! Hope it is not that important. :-)

> Ok, let's go further.
> 3.3 2 tables bug: in a tiddler as simple as
> |cell1|
> text
> |cell2|
> try to edit any of the two one-cell-talbes: for me, when trying to edit 
> the first one, the cell2 text is displayed (and if I apply the changes, 
> they are stored in the first table), and if I try to edit the second one, 
> empty text is displayed.
This is a bug for sure. Thanks for finding it. I will fix it some time this 

> 3.4 the width of the cells is still not adequate: if "Minimum cell width 
> in characters." option is set to "0", the width is still bigger than the 
> content is, and extra "padding" on the right is added
Ok. I will check.

> 3.5 the speed of colomn moving is so-so and seem to depend on the history 
> of moving: consider this tiddler:
> Start with text
> |a|b|c|
> |d|e|f|
> |g|i|j|
> end with text
> moving the first colomn to the left (or the second to the right) takes 
> about 1 second; if I move that colomn back, it takes 2-3 seconds (tested in 
> FF)

What about rows? Moving rows is smooth but columns not? I thought it's the 
AutoSave again but then moving rows would be as slow as moving columns.

> 3.6 tables with several missing cells behave in a tricky way: if I create 
> this table
> |a|b|c|
> |d|
> and try to edit the bottom-left cell, it opens for editing and then shows 
> the table as thought as it is edited in a right way (the bottom-left cell 
> is now with content). However, if I open the tw "code", I see
> |a|b|c|
> |d|f|
> instead of
> |a|b|c|
> |d||f|
> and reloading the tiddler shows incorrectly edited table (the 
> bottom-center cell is filled with the text).
I think you are using FireFox, which version is it? My FireFox 29.0.1 / 
Win8 works correctly, but Chrome, IE11 and Opera don't even edit the 
missing cells! There is certainly some cross-browser compatibility issue I 
need to fix, no matter what.

> 4. Transclusions (not finished)
> 4.1 inserting sections causes and error: if I create a tiddler New 
> Tiddler to include with the text
> !section
> Type the text for 'New Tiddler'
> and another tiddler with this text:
> <<tiddler [[New Tiddler to include##section]]>>
> I see the line
> Type the text for 'New Tiddler'
> but in its end, there's Error in macro <<tiddler>> telling me TypeError: 
> b.$dom is null
In my Win8 box with FireFox 29.0.1 I do not see such an error, but with 
IE11, Chrome, and Opera I see this error some times (but not always). I am 
not sure what is wrong about it yet, shall need more time to find out.

> 4.2 Also, in this case refreshing doesn't work correctly: if I change the 
> text of the section while the transcluding tiddler is open, the text is not 
> altered in the transclusion.

Right, it is because of this error, and the backstage button is gone when 
this error is present.

> n. Compability bugs
> n.1 Nested sliders are somewhy open on load, try this syntax (usually, for 
> "open on load" ++++[label]text=== syntax is used)
> +++[nested sliders are somewhy]
> open on load
> === 
> I stopped using nested sliders quite a while ago because I can not keep 
> its syntax in mind longer than three days. But yes, I can make twve 
> compatible with it for sure.
> Heh, the whole syntax is complicated, sure, but the basic +++[label] text 
> === seems to be no more complicated than remembering the order of the 
> slider macro params :) This of'course a matter of taste.
> PS waiting for slice editing, too :)
> Yeah, I am working on it. But just for my information, what are the 
> typical cases that people use slices? I only know that the table at the 
> beginning of most plugins is one example, but can't think of others with my 
> poor experiences on slices.
> Well, I'm not sure about others, but I use translcuding slices (yes, 
> surely I'm talking about transcluded slices) mostly with 
> ForEachTiddlerPlugin:
> * I create a number of tiddlers which represent "objects" of the same 
> "type" (usually tagged with the same tag, say "film")
> * I set some data in each one, like
> Dark City
> |comment|A very gloomy, bleak film (both visually -- no less than 
> Bladerunner, and conceptually -- closely to Matrix|
> |year|1998|
> * and then I create an autoaggregated table that contains all data about 
> those objects. In some cases (like a base of contacts) it's quite desirable 
> to be able to inline-edit the cells

I see. I have a better idea now. Thanks for sharing.

> And just to make sure, I guess you mean to edit the "*transcluded slices*", 
> right? From what I learned in this 
> page<http://tiddlywiki.tiddlyspace.com/Slices>, 
> slices can be defined in one of the following ways:
>    1. name: value
>    2. |name:|value|
>    3. |name|value|
>    4. |''name:''|value|
>    5. |//~WikiName://|value|
> sort of.. you should use the slice-defining RegExp, and it better should 
> be store.slicesRE [1] (unlike GridPlugin which uses its own RegExp), as 
> it is a core thing and I personally overwrite slicesRE to make slices 
> "international" by using a small plugin:
> TiddlyWiki.prototype.slicesRE = 
> /(?:^([\'\/]{0,2})~?([\.\w]+)\:\1[\t\x20]*([^\n]+)[\t\x20]*$)|(?:^\|\x20?([\'\/]{0,2})~?([^\|\s\:\~\'\/]|(?:[^\|\s~\'\/][^\|\n\f\r]*[^\|\s\:\'\/]))\:?\4[\x20\t]*\|[\t\x20]*([^\n\t\x20](?:[^\n]*[^\n\t\x20])?)[\t\x20]*\|$)/gm;
> store.slices = {};
> This plugin (which I call ExtendedSlicesPlugin) allows quite general slice 
> names in the table notation of slices, like containing cyrillics (or any 
> other language symbols), space symbols and more.

Good to know! Thanks!
Have Fun!

> Best regards,
> Yakov.
> [1] 
> https://github.com/TiddlyWiki/tiddlywiki/blob/master/js/TiddlyWiki.js#L173
> and all of them are already editable with *twve* : the first is like a 
> plain text, while the rest are tables.
> пятница, 23 мая 2014 г., 20:48:47 UTC+4 пользователь Vincent Yeh написал:
> Hi Ton,
> Glad to hear you again!
> On Friday, May 23, 2014 9:03:28 PM UTC+8, Ton Gerner wrote:
> Hi Vincent
> Sorry i did not respond earlier but I have been busy with upgrading all my 
> TW5s and customization guides for TW5 to v5.0.12-beta.
> No problem. I am also struggling to study the plugin and refreshing 
> mechanism o
> ...

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