Hi Christoph,

> But a few days ago, I encountered saving problems in my wiki, all of a 
> sudden. Saving always worked so far, and I have the TiddlySaver.jar file in 
> the folder, to enable saving via Safari and Chrome, both which I use 
> (mostly Safari). The problems occured out of the blue: I was working on my 
> wiki offline, while on the train to work. It saved normally first.

So, you haven't updated Java that time, right? Were you working with TW 
only, or did some other activities? Were you online?

What's the size of your biggest tiddler (number of symbols)?

> But when I tried to save a second time after doing some more changes, 
> nothing worked anymore with the saving feature. Since then, I tried 
> everything there is to fix the problem. Here are a few information about my 
> TiddlyWiki configuration and what I tried so far:
> My TiddlyWiki:
> - I don't know the exact version I use (is there a way to check?), but I 
> know I haven't used the upgrade feature ever while working with it. Still 
> never had problems though.

use the <<version>> macro to find out

> - I use a german translation plugin, created at some point back then. 
> - I have many Tiddlers using german umlauts (ä., ö, ü, ß). More on that 
> later. 
> - I use the HaemoglobinTheme and have it tweaked a little, in terms of 
> colours and a custom sidebar

these things shouldn't matter, I think

> - I have the following Plugins installed: AttachFile, AttachFileFormat, 
> MapPlugin, CheckboxPlugin, PlayerPlugin, Slideshow, TableOfContents, 
> sortableTable. I downloaded them all from the TiddlyTools.com website back 
> then (must have been years ago). 

what's the size of your TW? of the largest attachment? AttachFile seems to 
be most suspicious, in terms of saving problems, in your assembly.

> - At least three of them (CheckboxPlugin, sortableTable and 
> TableOfContents I find pretty much essential for my wiki work)
> - I have many pictures in my wiki and keep them stored in an "images" 
> folder in the same folder as my wiki
> - I always made use of the backup option, so I had various .html versions 
> of my wiki stored. I deleted them regularly. 

just in case, check your backup folder

> - My starting page uses a html div-script. but only this one. 

this is not quite clear, could you provide more details?

> - I used Dropbox to keep my wiki synchronized on two machines, but I keep 
> Dropbox offline recently, due to space reasons

but your TWs are still in Dropbox folder? If so, try another one (may be 
Dropbox prevents the folder to grow even without syncing)

> - So, I work on my wiki on two computers, bot MacBooks with Safari 5.1.10 
> and OS X Snow Leopard (10.6.8)
> I don't know much about OS X, so you'd better ask somebody if, say, Java 
can be updated without you knowing it in this OS.

> What I've tried so far:
> - I've tried jumping on the TW5 train... TW5 managed to import the 
> tiddlers I've created over the years, but as none of my plugins work with 
> this version and I don't think there are replacements yet, I'll refrain 
> from using it. I realized that I find the new saving system weird as well, 
> with the wiki downloading a new copy everytime you save, which you have to 
> relocate to your folder. It's cumbersome.
> - I've tried to exchange the TiddlySaver file for a newer one. No change. 
> - I've tried to migrate my wiki files to the newest available TiddlyWiki 
> Classic version. That didn't work at all. No matter what I do, the empty 
> wiki just doesn't import my tiddlers, always with the same error: "Error 
> retrieving tiddlers from local file, please make sure the file is in the 
> same directory as your TiddlyWiki." And what can I say, it is. 
> - I've tried this in all browsers inmagineable, except Internet Explorer, 
> 'coz Microsoft doesn't support it anymore. I cleared the cache of 
> everything, tweaked the browser preferences, everything. Nothing for the 
> better. 

Is there FireFox version for OS X?

Ok, let's start with that.

Best regards,

> - I tried to tweak the tiddlywiki options to the best of my ability 
> (autosave off and on, backup of and on, create clear file off and on). 
> Nothing.  
> - I've tried to upgrade my wiki via the Upgrade button, but it gives back 
> an error like this: "A problem with saving the backup file occured". 
> - Migrating the stuff by hand via copy/paste, tiddler for tiddler, didn't 
> work out either, though it has been my best shot so far. During the process 
> I realized that the saving feature in the new version is somewhat broken as 
> well. More on it here:
> 1. When I save, the wiki creates a new version, which is downloaded by my 
> browser and I have to relocate it to the folder, just like with TW5, but 
> maybe that's intended
> 2. My old german translation plugin doesn't work with it; well, actually 
> it did, but it didn't display any umlauts (ä, ö, ü, ß) at all. Instead I 
> got weird ? placeholders (see screenshot). Changing them all to the 
> appropriate umlauts by hand, didn't work out either. The wiki doesn't save 
> anymore, if I have any tiddlers with umlauts in it. I tried, it doesn't 
> work. And using a new translation plugin found on the current TiddlyWiki 
> classic pages doesn't work either. Exactly same result. 
> 3. Some of my plugins don't work in the new version anymore... and if they 
> do not, I cannot save the wiki either, same problem. Oh wait, once it was 
> possible to install a non-working plugin, the SortingTables plugin, via 
> which you can sort a table by column. It displays this error in the plugin 
> menu: "Error: SyntaxError: Multiline comment was not closed properly." 
> And one of my screenshots shows what you get, when you have a look into the 
> plugin tiddler. Again the ? placeholders.
> 4. That said, migrating my wiki tiddlers hand by hand, doesn't work, 
> because they have umlauts. But it can't be the umlauts alone, because I 
> used OpenOffice to change any of the Umlauts to placeholders like simple A 
> or U and stuff. But it still didn't save. During my wiki work I made good 
> use of my Macs' feature to produce fancy symbols using ALT + other keys, 
> like the dash ( – ). TiddlyWiki never had a problem with that. Only 
> sometimes, displaying a weird letter combination before the dash, but that 
> was fixed pretty easily. 
> So, this is where I'm at now. 
> And, as closing words, I have to say I'm pretty desperate. I've put about 
> 4 years of work into my wiki (we're talking about around 300 tiddlers, of 
> which about the half contain full and carefully crafted text). And though I 
> did not lose my tiddlers, my wiki is not useable as it is now, even if I 
> would take it as a fragmentary resource.
> So if anyone of could provide any help on the matter, I would be very 
> thankful for it. I just don't want to bury the efforts I have taken so far 
> completely. 
> Thanks in advance,
> Christoph

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