Hi Alberto,

*that way, annotation tiddlers can be first class citizens*, having their 
> own dedicated tabs, view templates, etc. For instance, you may want a tab 
> specific to video annotations showing related with the same topic, or 
> documentation tiddlers talking about the same topic as the video 
> annotation. 

Being tiddlers, annotations already are "first class citizens"... in 
So, what we magically desire are dedicated tabs that only show for certain 
The question perhaps remains: What produces triggers a tab showing?
What identifier is used to trigger showing a tab?
To me, that is always some filter expression ...which we could associated 
with a tiddler tagged something like *$:/tags/MagicTab*.
A filter that is perhaps not even stored at that tab-tiddler directly, so 
as to decouple switching it on and off from the actual template.

> if you create the tiddler $:/type/annotation with a caption, an icon, a 
> template, they are automatically used by the macros <<tabCaption>> and 
> <<inputSlider>>.

The core would probably do this via individual tiddlers, like...

   - *$:/mt/types/<type-name>/tab*
      - the tab template
   - *$:/mt/types/<type-name>/icon*
      - the icon for the thing
   - *$:/mt/types/<type-name>/field*
      - a (list) field that triggers showing the tab
   - *$:/mt/types/<type-name>/tag*
      - a tag that triggers showing the tab, in the form of *$:/type/<tag>*
   - *$:/mt/types/<type-name>/filter*
      - an entirely custom filter that triggers showing the tab
   - *$:/mt/types/<type-name>/lingo/en-GB/caption*
      - a caption for a given language, fallback being *en-GB*
...this ensures that core components only get partially overwritten but not 
completely, which would prevent getting template updates later on. So, for 
each tab, there would be a set of the above, perhaps all of which are 
optional, thus showing the tab for all tiddlers.

How about something more implicit, like...
>> *$:/type/**field/**yt-id*
> Sorry, I don't understand your point.

The point was to trigger showing a tab not based on the presence of a 
certain tag,
but rather based on the presence of a certain field that would be used 
anyway... for a "typed citizen".
The filter to show/hide tabs would possibly be able to handle both cases in 
one, e.g.

show either when...

   - tagged *$:/type/<type-name>*
   - field *mt-type *= *<type-name>*

You need a qualified relationship between the video and its annotations, 
> and the *yt-video* field works. You could use in the same way I use the 
> *source* field. But if you use yt-video instead of source, you need to 
> create specific list filters while source is used by default in MagicTabs.

Yes, so I'm thinking it does have to be a field, after all, rather than a 

Custom list fields are a pain in the neck. But I managed to have them 
> working with fields like *authors*, *about*, *parent*, and I don't 
> remember if *source*.

They may be a pain in the neck, but I think for harmony's sake, all those 
relatiohship fields should be handled using list-fields and the kind of 
nomenclature that is required for them to work properly, be it a 1:many 
relationship or a mere 1:1... and one day, hopefully, the same ui as is 
given to the *tags* field... plus the ordering.

Best wishes, Tobias.

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