Ciao TonyM

Your thread is causing me to think.

I'm feeling its really beginning to register the problem with documentation 
in a more move-on-able way.

A few comments. To support your overview and mark a few places that maybe 
don't get so easily noticed ... more sociology of behaviour than a solution 
... but I think worth pause--even though I'm partly repeating myself.

1 -- Users often GET documentation by asking questions on GG. --> The 
"documentation" and solution finding are strongly inter-woven.

2 -- BECAUSE Google Groups loses its own history very quickly into a swamp 
of "difficult-to-find" --> its very difficult for both BEGINNERS and folk 
not reading everything everyday to find relevant answers already there. And 
even if you are reading, if you are not cataloguing, its a struggle often 
to find the "80% there already" solution. There is a big ORIENTATION 
problem from lack of indices.

3 -- Since solution finding is a honing into PRECISE ANSWERS there is a 
slight tension between Generalising and Specifics ... by which I mean 
unless you read through several threads about, say, "timing" you may not be 
able to bring a solution together without extra help. The current 
discussion of __help needed in making a "n" minute timer macro__ 
<!topic/tiddlywiki/WuXWJPz68l0> is a good 
example where there are lots of parts towards a solution that exist ... 
stuff already made, discussions already done, new thoughts. Yet we all 
fumble finding the relevant ones efficiently.

I think an issue is definitely around documenting AND linking to some key 
themes that will reduce the amount of repeated RE-CREATION OF 80% OF THE 

Just thoughts.

Best wishes

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