Just to clarify some of the points made by Josiah:

> As far as I understand it the problem is not the DOM per se, which TiddlyWiki 
> does not handle in the standard way, its the REFRESH mechanism. Everything 
> has to be rebuilt when a change is made. The problem with this is that the 
> more complex the TW gets the worse performance (generally) gets. 

It’s not really correct to say that TiddlyWiki doesn’t handle the DOM in the 
standard way. It’s more that it doesn’t use the DOM in the old fashioned way. 
All modern React apps, for instance, work the same way that TiddlyWiki works.

And it’s not quite right to say that everything needs to be rebuilt when a 
change is made. The refresh mechanism endeavours to make the minimal, selective 
updates to the DOM to reflect changes to the store as they occur.

But the conclusion isn’t far off: to be more precise, performance depends on 
the complexity of the page — ie the results of rendering the $:/PageTemplate 

> Its certainly worth comparing if a Node.js might work better. But its likely 
> there is a limit.

It is *not* worth comparing with performance under Node.js. As other posters 
have pointed out, loading the wiki from a Node.js server doesn’t affect the 
performance of what happens in the browser.

> If it works better it won't be because of "lazy loading" since, as PMario 
> says, in your usage as the issue centres on Tiddlers could be invoked in 
> lists/filters. "Lazy loading" relates to simply that the Title only is 
> permanently in memory--and the Tiddler content loads on click. It won't speed 
> up lists or filters.

Indeed, execution of filters is a substantial proportion of overall rendering 

> In brief, at the moment, TW does not scale well.

Again, I don’t think that’s hugely helpful as a blanket statement, For example, 
I’m working with a 65MB TW5 at the moment, and it works fine on my 2013 laptop.

Perhaps better to say that as a TiddlyWiki gets more complex one has to pay 
more attention to performance.

> Since I am a bit of an amateur (I'm not a programmer) others may say 
> otherwise... but I wrote this to hopefully elicit clearer answers.

Indeed, your comments are helpful,

Best wishes


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