On Monday, September 21, 2020 at 6:05:06 AM UTC+2, TonyM wrote:

*The macro(s) just for completeness*
> \define done-check(tiddlername)
> \whitespace trim
> <$set name=tiddlername value="""$tiddlername$""" 
> emptyValue=<<currentTiddler>> >
> <$list filter="[<tiddlername>!done[yes]!done[cancel]]">
> <$button tooltip="click to indicate done" class="tc-btn-invisible">
> [...]
<$set name=todo-tiddler value="""$:/todo/$(currentTiddler)$/$content$""">

The main problem I have with this code is, the line above. If you rename 
the tiddler title, or the $content$ text, your ToDo-state will be gone.

So there needs to be a way to make the "state name" 100% predictable and 
unchangeable. ... I don't have a solution for this


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