Many thanks for your replies, just catching up now ....

On 30 November 2011 19:05, Martin Koegler <>wrote:

> > This mandates a minimum of a secure authentication stage, and then the
> > client can be configured (but not forced) to encrypt the session traffic.
> No. The client may choose between one of them. Either the session is
> unencrypted (VNCAuth) or using the VeNcrypt+TLSVnc protocol (encrypted).

This works in my situation as follows for the 2 different clients I am
1) Tiger VncViewer.jar:
   - uses TLSVnc
2)  noVNC:
   - does authentication with VNCAuth, and then session traffic is SSL
encrypted using websockify
    ie.  *noVNC*<----ssl---->*websockify*<---clear--->*tiger_server*
which I think is OK as long as the communication between the websockify
proxy and the tiger server is on a trusted network.

> I'm not aware of any transparent signon. TigerVNC only allows:
> * No authentification
> * Classic VNC authentification
> * Authentification with username/password (default authentification
> provider
> is the system authentification)
> It would be possible to extend SSecurityTLS/CSecurityTLS to send/verify
> client
> certificates and use this with X509None. This would result in a
> passwordless
> login solution based on certificates - but you would have to extend the
> code.

Ok, I must admit this has confused me a bit.

Your email at
to me that X509None *already* allows for a passwordless login based on
certificates, and you also listed the options used on both server and
client sides for this.
Though in a recent email conversation with Brian H, he told me that the
trunk version of VncViewer.jar was still missing the parameter-passing
logic for these options.

I have a feeling that I'm still missing some understanding here though ...
please feel free to correct me! :-)

Dan G
All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
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