Ah, "never touch, bump, etc." implies that the effect of 
changing the orientation of gravity is not reversible.

Or is it that returning to the original orientation undoes
the 10E9 effect but leaves a 10E12 permanent change?

I'd like to do the experiment myself, but I'm still getting
rid of stuff to get room on the bench.

Bill Hawkins

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Van Baak
Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2009 2:41 PM

One is do crystal oscillators change frequency when they
are turned. The answer to that is yes. This gravitational
acceleration effect is rather huge, parts in ten to the 9th
or so, and anyone can see this. This is why you never
touch, bump, or move, or rotate a laboratory frequency
standard (this includes GPSDO and cesium standards).

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