Hello Tom,

this plot looks very similar to our standard double oven units. We have our low-g option, which reduces the deviation to about 2- 3E-10 per g, they work great but do cost more than standard units.. Coincidentally they also reduce sensitivity to vibration and "tapping" by 5x to 10x... I wish we could offer them at the same price, but they are very difficult to manufacture. That's why no one uses them by default in their product.

Bye, Said

From iPhone

On Jul 10, 2009, at 15:51, "Tom Van Baak" <t...@leapsecond.com> wrote:

One is do crystal oscillators change frequency when they
are turned. The answer to that is yes. This gravitational
acceleration effect is rather huge, parts in ten to the 9th
or so, and anyone can see this. This is why you never
touch, bump, or move, or rotate a laboratory frequency
standard (this includes GPSDO and cesium standards).

And to give you a *picture* instead of just numbers... Here is
a plot showing frequency changes in an OCXO (this from a
free-running Thunderbolt GPSDO) over the span of one hour.
Every 5 minutes or so I rotated the rectangular box on some
axis by 90 degrees.


You can see that the sudden frequency jumps due to change
in g-force on the crystal are about -0.5e-9 to +1.5 e-9, which
is 100x the normal frequency noise for this oscillator (about
2e-11 pk-pk or about 2e-12 adev).

Hopefully this result won't come as a big surprise to anyone; the
so-called "2g turn-over" spec is common for quality oscillators.
Again, this is why when you enter the world of precision timing
at 1e-10 and below you tend not to ever touch your standards.

Now if one of you happened to have a fully-programmable 3-axis
turntable and a couple of hours you could slowly create a most
beautiful high-resolution 3D color plot showing the precise shift
in frequency as a function of axis.


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