Yes, with a 2MSPS ADC and 1-2us transition times one gets 2-4 samples during the transition. Worst case with a 1us filter (10%-90%) output transition time there may be one sample at the midpoint and samples close to the 10% and 90% amplitude points.
2us transition times are probably close to optimum.
In the latter case the effective time stamp resolution (with a true 12 bit ADC) will be around 0.5ns.

Ideally a gaussian impulse response filter should be used.
However if the input transitions are sufficiently (to allow the filter transients to settle) far apart almost any reasonable (without excessive overshoot) could be used.
The minicircuits LPF_BOR3+ low pass filter appears almost good enough.


Bob Camp wrote:

Would't you want 2 or more samples during the transition?


On Aug 12, 2010, at 8:25 PM, Bruce Griffiths<>  wrote:

Another method is to attenuate (to within the ADC input range) the PPS signal 
to be timestamped, low pass filter it and capture a 2MSPS sample burst centred 
around the low pass filter output transition midpoint.
You can then use WKS interpolation to time stamp the transition midpoint (when 
it crosses a threshold halfway between the initial and final values of the low 
pass filter output).
The low pass filter (preferably an LC filter) delay is easily calibrated by 
timestamping an internally generated signal initiated on a known ADC sampling 
clock edge.
No (external) current sources, reset switches etc are required.
With a 2MSPS sample rate a low pass filter output transition time of 1-2us 
should suffice (provided the ADC has a sufficiently large large signal 


Bruce Griffiths wrote:
Some options:

1) Use a 74AHC05 for Q1 and Q2.

2) Switch the current source at the emitter node and only turn on the current 
source when charging the capacitor.
This will increase the available TAC output voltage range and/or improve the 
linearity by eliminating the diode.
However the capacitor discharge switch should be turned off before charging the 
A stable fixed delay of a few (10ns??) before switching on the current source 
is required.

3) Replace the current source with a resistor.
The resultant nonlinearity is well defined and software correction should be 
relatively easy.

4) If the ADC(s) have a sufficiently wide full power bandwidth then one could 
just sample a pair of quadrature phased 250kHz sinewaves.
Extend the range by sampling (synchronise the input sampling edge to the 
counter clock first) a counter clocked at 250KHz.
Initiate the sampling with the signal edge to be time stamped.

If the GPSDO is used to clock the microprocessor, counters and produce the 
quadrature sinewave outputs then only a single TDC (time to digital converter) 
is required.

Measuring negative time intervals should not be necessary as the TAC (or other 
TDC) should be used merely to measure the delay of a synchroniser the output of 
which is used to synchronously sample a counter clocked with the same clock as 
the synchroniser.

J.D. Bakker wrote:
Hello all,

I'm working on Yet Another DIY GPSDO, and one of the issues I've been looking 
into is a TAC/TDC to do sawtooth correction on the measurement of the GPS PPS 
signal. I'd like to stick with a 3.3V supply for most of the circuit, and 
several of the TAC designs that have been discussed here in the past run into 
trouble at such low voltages (mostly through VBE drops).

To start with the context: I'm planning to use a microcontroller with a built-in 
dual 12-bit 2MSPS ADC. I'd like to not use anything that's not available at 
Digi-Key or Mouser, and keep the SMD pitch>=0.8mm (with a possible exception 
for dual transistors in SOT-23-6). That way the design shouldn't be too hard for 
others to replicate.

I'm aiming for a TAC accuracy of 1ns, allowing for one or a few calibrations 
between PPS pulses. Minimum full-scale range should be +/- a few hundred ns, to 
allow for outliers. (The plan is to have an initial FLL for coarse locking, and 
have the PLL kick in after that). I'm penciling in an ADC reference voltage of 
2V, as that's commonly available and leaves enough headroom to use the current 
sources in their most linear range.

I've attached a diagram that reflects a few of my current thoughts.

- Circuit 1 is the traditional TAC. Before the start of the cycle Q2 conducts, 
discharging C1 and shunting I1's current to ground. At this point the ADC can 
measure the voltage drop across C1/Q2 to eliminate that offset. Taking nSTART 
low puts Q2 into high-impedance, and I1 charges C1 through D1 until STOP is 
raised causing Q1 to shunt I1's current to ground. At this point the ADC 
samples the voltage across C1, which is proportional to the time between START 
and STOP (modulo offset and nonlinearities).

This circuit is well known to work (although it is more common to use Q1 for 
both START and STOP and to limit Q2 to ramp discharge duties). Downsides are 
that negative time offsets cannot be measured directly, and the constant output 
voltage offers little room for increased precision through sample averaging, 
unless the ADC's input noise is large compared to its LSB size. For the same 
reason there is no easy way to reduce the effects of ADC INL/DNL.

- Circuit 2 works in a similar way, except that the ramp isn't terminated by a 
STOP signal but is allowed to run freely until I2 saturates. The ADC is set to 
sample continuously, taking multiple samples of the ramp, and the 
microcontroller interpolates the resulting values to determine the elapsed time 
between an internal time reference point and the START signal.

This circuit is fairly simple, and has the advantage that there is no hard 
limit to its range. Curve-fitting the sampled values increases precision and 
reduces the effects of INL/DNL. On the other hand, ADC aperture jitter and 
offset have a direct impact on resolution.

- Circuit 3 expands on this approach by having dual ramp generators, and having 
the ADC measure the voltage difference between the two.

Not a good idea, as this requires accurate matching of the gains of the 2 TACs.
Its better to sample each TAC output individually as this allows software 
correction for gain mismatch (and nonlinearity) before subtraction.
Software correction is better than using trimpots or similar as the parasitics 
etc associated with trimpots are eliminated.

This approach is the only one of the three that can directly measure negative 
time offsets, allowing a regenerated pulse to be directly compared with the 
GPS' PPS. A small difference in ramp rates, unavoidable in practice, actually 
helps to average out DNL and is easily corrected in calibration. Sampling time 
uncertanties have less impact than in Circuit 2. Then again, it may be 
difficult to reliably detect the start/end-of-ramp points from the samples 
alone. Total range is relatively limited, and due to the differential 
measurements it is harder to reduce current source nonlinearities in software.

Any thoughts? At this point I'm tempted to build a hybrid of 2 and 3, using one 
of the microcontroller's ADCs in each mode.

I've not seen prior work on the ramp-approach, although it's a close cousin to the 
centroid pulse timing method 
(<>). Has 
anyone seen it before (and possibly shot down due to major deficiencies)? It seems 
too obvious to not have been considered by others.

It was usually not feasible as the ADC's typically used had insufficient input 
power bandwidth.
The settling time and power bandwidth of any buffer amplifier between the ramp 
capacitor and the ADC has also to be considered.
If one uses a capacitive input charge redistribution ADC connected directly to 
the ramp capacitor then the sampling process itself transfers charge from the 
ramp capacitor to the sampling capacitor. Software compensation for this effect 
may be required as the transferred charge depends on the number of samples from 
the ramp start to the current sample.
You will also need to ensure that the current source recovers sufficiently 
quickly from saturation.

Another issue is to limit the discharge current flowing in the discharge switch.
Often a 2 step discharge is used.
A switch with a series resistor is used to discharge the capacitor to the point 
at which the second switch can be turned on to complete the discharge without 
excessive curent flowing in this switch. See the HP53131A/2A schematics for an 

(Notes: These are initial rough sketches. The ramp current has not been 
optimized yet; I have an unsubstantiated feeling that brute-forcing it with a 
higher current and larger cap may well help to swamp some of the 
nonlinearities. I've mostly picked 1V/us ramp speed out of the air because it 
gives me 4-5 samples @2MSPS which is a workable number to do curve fitting on. 
Also not sure whether I'll use the simpler one-transistor current source or the 
hi-Zout mirror with a current source derived from the ADC's reference. The FETs 
may end up being implemented as single-gate /OE drivers. I'll do a more 
complete write-up on the entire GPSDO later).




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