Didier Juges wrote:
Not unlike Cox. They generally provide great service, but when problems do crop 
up (rare, but it has happened), the only thing that they guaranty is that you 
will get their bill in the mail on time. Any more than that is just gravy...


This is the fundamental difference between consumer service and business service. Yes, one pays more for the business service, but there's also none of this "best efforts" nonsense.. They say, "we pass X traffic at Y bits per second, and if it breaks, we'll fix it within Z hours, etc."

It's also why, ultimately, the "phone company" (even the unregulated data services side) is generally better than the "cable TV company"...It's a mindset thing.

The folks maintaining the physical plant for the former have a "keep the lights on at all cost" mindset. .The folks maintaining the physical plant for the latter have a "well. if it breaks, you're just not being entertained, so we'll rebate a days worth of entertainment on your next bill"

The VoIP folks over cable will get their mindset straight after a few spectacular "I tried to call 911 but the cable was out" events.

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